Cannes Lions


SNAP, Los Angeles / SNAP, INC. / 2017


3 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Silver Cannes Lions
2 Bronze Cannes Lions
8 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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It was important to us that consumers’ first experiences with Spectacles were outside in locations that inspire them to make content with their Spectacles.

A vending machine model could achieve this at scale -- but our vending machine needed a personality.

The end result: Snapbots, friendly, yellow vending machines that let you experience the first-person perspective that Spectacles capture, virtually try-on different colors and, perhaps most importantly, meet you in locations that immediately inspire snapping.

The Snapbot itself is fun, approachable and expected -- as well as a little mischievous.

A Snapbot “lands” mysteriously in new locations, is “sleeping” when you first approach it, “wakes up” to throw you into Specs content, giggles, and more.


Spectacles were announced on September 24th. Six weeks later, the first Snapbot was revealed on the Venice Beach boardwalk. Hundreds rushed to buy Spectacles, which sold out in several hours.

The following ~20 Snapbot locations were chosen from about 100 site visits. At each location, we brought Spectacles prototypes and captured video content.

Throughout the campaign, a Snapbot might appear in a location for 24 hours. To maintain an air of mystery, there was little to no human interaction with the Snapbot by staff.

For consumers, a simple system for finding a Snapbot was developed through an online web page. We offered visitors a 24 hour countdown clock that would run out as each Snapbot would wake up in a new location. The web page would reveal a map. The Spectacles Twitter handle would tweet a single photo where the bot could be found after navigating to the map location.


The product launch campaign has received over 75 billion media impressions, generating approximately $54.8M advertising value equivalency, across 27,000 news stories.

Just under 7M unique visitors have come to following the launch. About 35% of these visitors have regularly returned to chase the Snapbot across 81 different locations. The Snapbot Twitter pictures have received 3.5M impressions and

Most importantly, Spectacles have been used to create over 8 million snaps, which have been viewed more than 1.2 billion times on stories in Snapchat.

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2024, SNAP, INC.

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