Cannes Lions



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Case Film
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On February 24, Russian troops, marked with the letter Z, launched an attack on Ukraine. The war has begun. The Russians are dropping bombs on peaceful cities, killing children, women, and the elderly. This is a real genocide of the Ukrainian nation. Marking themselves with the Z sign, the Russians have created a new swastika in the 21st century. Now for all Ukrainians, the letter Z is associated with war and death.


We offered global brands, which have the letter Z in their names to support Ukraine. It was for them that we created a special website, where we talked about the mechanics of the flash mob. We suggested replacing the letter Z with the Ukrainian Z which can be easily found on any keyboard due to its resemblance to the number 3.


The less Z there is in the world now, the more hope there is for Ukraine. Therefore, it was important to create an initiative that supported Ukrainians even at the level of letters.

By changing their logos and getting rid of the letter Z, the brands clearly showed their position against the emergence of a new swastika.


We encouraged brands to change the letter Z to the number 3.

3 is not only the number but also the Ukrainian letter Z. To spread our idea the special website Stop Z was created. It explains why it's important to abandon Z and suggests ways to do it. For instance, we designed our own version of Z. To visualize the idea, we made several examples of what the logos of famous brands with the new Z will look like. Among them were such brands as Zara, Amazon, etc. Everyone could replace Z in their logo with the number three or download our specially designed version of Z on the website.

The global media has become a powerful campaign driver and helped to spread our important message among the audience.

We were supported by Adweek, Entrepreneur, Telegraph, Pagegoo, My Droll, The Tech Bloom, Vidas Vegas, and others.


The Stop Z informational campaign was supported not only by Ukrainian brands but also by global ones. The main success was achieved at the legislative level, European countries began to prohibit the use of Z as a symbol of war.

Our initiative was supported by music bands such as Bez Obmezhen and Mozgi, communities (Ukrainian city Novograd-Volynckiy removed the letter Z from its coat of arms), and many brands such as Zurich Insurance, Samsung Fold, vodka "Kozatska Rada". Also, Latvia's tallest skyscraper is no longer Z-Towers. In response to the negative connotation of the symbol, the Riga house was renamed.

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