Cannes Lions

Super Bowl 5G Experience

VERIZON, New York / VERIZON / 2019

Presentation Image
Case Film
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In spite of the tremendous volume of news articles heralding 5G, the concept and impact of 5G remain abstract and difficult to truly understand for the majority of the public. This brand experience and activation allowed people to experience this advancement firsthand, as a means of educating as well as sparking interest and enthusiasm for what 5G can bring in the future.


Experiencing 5G Ultra Wideband will excite me about what it means for my life.

This experience should reflect our Leadership position in technology and as pioneers in 5G.


Drive awareness of 5G Ultra Wideband.


Only 5G provides the bandwidth and speed that will allow us to truly blur the boundaries of the digital and physical realms. The creative idea challenged the conventional notion that a screen is the only, most dominant “user interface” through which to access the digital realm. This was proof-of-concept that 5G can deliver an immersive, multi-sensory experience, delighting the visual, aural and tactile senses—but it’s only a teaser of what’s to come.

Naturally, given the setting for the activation, multiple football-centric experiences were

developed, but other lifestyle interests such as art, gaming and film were also acknowledged, and the entire experience wasn’t reliant on a singular demonstration of 5G.


Target audience:

Super Bowl LIVE historically draws over 500,000 visitors to engage with brands in a theme

park-like environment. Consumers, business, press, executives, celebrities and influencers

make up the audience.


The Super Bowl is one of the largest brand stages in the world. We took this opportunity to

showcase in every way, in every detail, how we are embracing and driving change with 5G.

Upon entering the park, visitors were pulled into our world, building off of the already

supercharged atmosphere of Super Bowl LIVE. We not only wanted to showcase what 5G is

capable of, but wanted to show how our brand is leading with confidence and purpose. Our

branding, demonstrations, immersions, Instagram moments, interactions with players and the like provided a complete integrated story to generate excitement and sharing.



We developed a custom two-story, 5,000-square-foot 5G building to accommodate six unique experiences. We designed an additional flexible space on the second floor for speaker series, a film release, B2B meetings and other 1:1 engagements. A 10,000-square-foot deck for fan engagement was carefully created to protect the landmark Olympic Fountain underneath.


Activation was the week leading up to game day.


Our location at the entrance of Centennial Park was not the obvious choice as it was away from the heart of the Super Bowl LIVE program. Our selection was intentional as we wanted 5G to have a single-minded presence without distraction. We were confident that we would build a great experience that pulled people in. Importantly, our placement delivered the first and last impression to all visitors.


More than 500,000 visitors to Super Bowl Live

116,000 5G total engagements

2.1 billion impressions

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