Cannes Lions


TBWA\Media Arts Lab, Los Angeles / APPLE / 2018







A young woman walks down a snowy European street and stops to select Sam Smith's "Palace" on her iPhone. As the song begins, it transports her—from the world of her ordinary reality into a daydream. Day turns to night, and she finds herself dancing under a spotlight. As she dances through the streets, suddenly, she's jolted back to 'reality' when she collides with a stranger on the sidewalk. They swiftly re-enter the daydream together as she plucks one of her AirPods from her ears and places it in his. The two share the song and an acrobatic dance together under the spotlight. They move around the city, lost together in the dreamworld. And just as they're about to kiss, we return to the same street corner where they began. It all happened in her mind. As they part ways, the audience is left with a message: move someone this holiday.

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