Cannes Lions

The anti-extinction squad

DDB COLOMBIA, Bogota / POKER / 2023

Demo Film






Poker, the beer of friends since 1929, had to maintain its category leadership among consumers (men and women ages 18–24) that were starting to stop hanging out with friends due to different situations that were above friendship: inflation, workaholism, hyperconnectivity, and other excuses were killing friendship. And that is the brand's ideal, to keep the friendship alive. So, the challenge was to come up with an idea that would have a large media impact in terms of reach and positioning while leaving a clear message: if friendship were a species, it would be an endangered species, and an idea that would let us achieve the following objectives:

+10 million views in less than 2 months

+60% mentions increase

+120k registered users in less than two months.

+4,5 P.P. Buy Intent

- Positive sentiment over 70%

- Volume increase of +25 million beers


To make people conscious of how friendship was disappearing from the face of the earth, we decided to create a squad made up of species that had already disappeared to be the main characters of the first animated series for adults in Colombia. We drove the conversation with humor and brought up solutions for our consumers to keep hanging out and fight the major friendship threats. That is how a dodo, a mammoth, a T-Rex, and a sabertooth took over all social media with the anti-extinction squad and, through five episodes, showed the entire country real friendship threats and how to fight them.

Each episode, aside from having a message to fight a specific problem, gave benefits to hanging out with friends just by watching and playing with our main characters, so through content and gaming with a squad of extinct, we kept the friendship alive.


Since the beginning of humanity, friendship has been key to social evolution, but studies have revealed that in Colombia, friendships have decreased by a third in the last 20 years, that less than 60% of people have a "best friend" and that only 13% have 10 or more close friends.

Friendship is in trouble! There is no money for hanging out, no time to bond with close people, not enough motivation to catch up with friends, and plenty of excuses that threaten to break up friendships.

Adding inflation, the data showed us that if friends were a species, it could be on its way to extinction.

So, Poker, the beer that has stood for friendships since 1929, should turned its most important campaign of the year into a way to protect friendship by demonstrating that it is time to avoid friendship extinction.


We created EXTINTOS (extincts), the first sci-fi animated sitcom, created by Poker, the beer of friends since 1929, to demonstrate how to avoid friendship extinction.

Through five episodes, aired weekly on the country's most used social media platforms (YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook), our characters showed for two months that threats like inflation, workaholism, hyperconnectivity, and excuses made out of nowhere were killing friendship, so, using real insights, each episode connected consumers with problems they face every day.

The sitcom came along with real benefits to promote friend gatherings, so once people watched an episode, they could find a new unlocked benefit to fight against friendship threats (grocery bonuses, concert tickets, free beer, travels, and more).


The power of humor and empathy paid off:

- The most-watched animated series in the country.

+30 million views in less than 2 months

+71% mentions increase.

+250k records in less than two months.

- Positive Sentiment: +90%

+6,5 P.P Buy Intent

Volume increase in +40 M beers.

And more importantly, we avoided friendship extinction ;)

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