Cannes Lions

The Awakening

TWITTER, Singapore / TENCENT / 2021

Presentation Image
Case Film
Case Film






2020 was a year like no other. The outbreak of COVID, got everyone trapped at home. As days roll into weeks and into months, feelings of isolation grow stronger than ever before.

As people turn to the virtual world for solace, gaming becomes an escape from reality and a sense of community.

Tencent, the world’s largest gaming company is collaborating with one of the most iconic anime in Asia, Neon Genesis Evangelion (EVA). Created in 1995, EVA embodied the feeling of new beginnings and hope.

Tencent saw this collaboration as an opportunity to give people a sense of unity and possibility in these trying times, as we fight against our biggest common enemy, Covid-19.

By bringing the virtual and real worlds together, we launched #TheAwakening. With the goal of acquiring new users, since the game first launched in April 2020, and becoming the talk of the town.


Blurring the lines between virtual and reality by taking over Twitter and Tokyo with a 9 day campaign simulating the arrival of the EVA angels and doomsday. While rallying fans and gamers to fight for humankind in-game, the same way they would in life.


EVA is known to be one of the most defining series in the anime world.

Created in 1995, it has a solid fan base of millennials who grew up with EVA when young. And Gen Z who are introduced to it through Netflix since 2019.

While Code Dragon Blood gamers cover both Millennials and Gen Z, this collaboration brings two generations together by bringing back the nostalgia and igniting curiosity.


Blurred the lines between worlds by bringing iconic elements from the story and game onto Twitter. Went beyond existing Twitter products to simulate doomsday on Twitter – when the sky and rivers in-game turn blood red, so did the Code Dragon Blood Twitter handle’s timeline. Fans loved this surprise execution and shared screen grabs all over Twitter.

EVA-inspired dialogues between Code Dragon Blood heroes' 14 year old internal struggles was shared. This got fans organically jumping into the conversation on Twitter with their personal anecdotes on whether they would step up like the heroes in the game and anime.

To tease further, a hidden Branded Emoji for the campaign hashtag was also designed to awaken when fans activated dark mode on Twitter.

The build-up of hype happened over 9 days, leading up to the takeover of Shibuya Crossing with a live countdown to the in-game door opening and angels arrival.


Trended organically at #1 in Japan and #4 globally

17MM impressions

900K people tuned in to Live Stream event

Returned to #4 most downloaded Free Game on the iOS store

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