Cannes Lions

The brand that took a stand

OLIVER, London / UNILEVER / 2019

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In the UK Brexit is a famously divisive subject. And in the UK Marmite is a famously divisive yeast extract spread. As its taste has been dividing families over breakfast tables for over 100 years. People either LOVE IT or HATE IT. A fact so well known that the word Marmite itself has become shorthand for something that polarises opinion.

But Marmite sales have declined over the years as people have forgotten to add Marmite to their baskets.

So as conversation around Brexit reached fever pitch, we identified a topical and relevant opportunity to remind the nation that Marmite is intrinsic to British breakfast and get Marmite back on Britain’s tables.


In the UK Brexit is a famously divisive subject. And in the UK Marmite is a famously divisive yeast extract spread. Its taste has been dividing families over breakfast tables for over 100 years. People either LOVE IT or HATE IT.

But sadly Marmite sales have declined over the years.

However, we identified a topical and relevant opportunity to remind the nation that Marmite is intrinsic to the British breakfast – by using a subject most brands would regard as taboo…Brexit.

Our creative idea centered around beautifully simple word play. Replacing the word BREXIT with BREAKFAST.

Wordplay that enabled Marmite to comment on the Brexit in a way that would raise a smile with the British audience on both sides of the Brexit divide. Whilst staying true to Marmite’s role as the breakfast spread that has been Dividing The Nation Since 1902.


Marmite’s long term strategic goal is to re-establish itself as a part of Britain’s breakfast time.

So in this tactical execution timing was key in delivering against this.

Firstly we needed to choose a point when the Brexit debate really grabbed the nation’s attention. So monitoring the political situation was key in identifying when to hit ‘go’.

Secondly the timing of the release of our material was also vital. Posting at breakfast was a key part in ensuring we had share of voice but also in reminding the nation of Marmite’s role at the British breakfast table.

Placement also enforced this with our press ads running next to Brexit headlines in the morning papers. While our social adverts on Twitter meant we could tap into real time conversation.


Executed in a classically bold style our clean pack shot, on a striking background, accompanied by strong typography all ensured that the work was unmissable and drew the reader/viewer to our message.

While timing was also an intrinsic part – because we waited until the Brexit debate reached meltdown fever. Which happened on March 27th when the government voted on a number of different Brexit proposals from ‘Hard Brexit’ to ‘Soft Brexit’ to ‘No Brexit’.

So when we went live the next morning our HARD BREAKFAST? SOFT BREAKFAST? NO BREAKFAST? headline was a beautifully relevant piece of writing.

Relevant to the timing of the work in relation to Brexit.

And relevant to Marmite’s role as a breakfast spread.


Our results exceeded all our expectations:

Over 2.3 million individuals reached across print.

Over 8.2 million impressions across social media.

Over 123,000 engagements in terms of loves, hates and shares.

And best of all, we achieved 80% positive sentiment in conversation; quite a feat for such a contentious subject.

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