Cannes Lions


TBWA\CHIAT\DAY , Los Angeles / NISSAN / 2014

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film






Brands are now part of everyday life and companies have more occasions to connect with consumers. There has never been as many media opportunities to tell a story. However, consumers have less interest in being sold to, making the need for authentic messaging and organic execution essential. Brought to you by' isn’t enough. And overt 'bite and smile' content that loudly calls out the brand does more harm than good. Effective Branded Entertainment is entertaining while baking the Brand into the story. Success starts with development of an idea versus 'band-aiding' the brand identity to fit a media buy or third-party story. A company must know what makes a good story and find their place within that structure. Nissan seamlessly integrated the Rogue as a main character in the Briefcase story.


The 3 minute action film takes a man on a seemingly ordinary drive and thrusts him into the middle of an elaborate chase - complete with explosions, helicopters, bad guys, and a mysterious briefcase. But an exciting video wasn’t enough, we wanted to give viewers a role in the story. So we drove them over to the Rogue Facebook page to find out for themselves what was in the briefcase, and to give them a chance to win 1 of 3 Rogues.


4 million views. 83% participation/retention. A noticeable shift in perception across social media. 55% increase in Rogue sales.

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