Cannes Lions

The cheapest ad

THJNK, Hamburg / REWE / 2017

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






But does spending no money on advertising necessarily mean having no advertising at all? We don’t think so. Which is why we set ourselves a challenge: to create the most luxurious advertising without that annoying bit: spending money.


We got onto a yacht, into a spa, into fancy sports cars. We even shot a casino scene but didn't use it in the final edit. Why did we shoot in Mallorca? Because it’s cheaper to film there than in Germany. Plus, at the same time, you’ve got loads of luxury boats, cars and mansions in one and the same place.


The budget was pocket change, but it brought in millions. At least in views. Up until now, the videos have 5 million views and numerous mentions in blogs and on social media. The only problem: We might have spoiled our client. From now on, will he ever pay normal prices for a regular shooting again? We doubt it and prepare ourselves for some tough future negotiations.

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