Cannes Lions

The Cult of the Night


Case Film
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Scale Drawing
Case Film
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Scale Drawing
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We found that for a generation of free thinkers in Lebanon, the night is more than an escape it is a religion. So we created “THE CULT OF THE NIGHT” a religion that can unite this generation around the new album.

We designed a Deity with the head of a hyena to become the symbol of the cult.

Subversively using traditional religious calligraphy, we turned the album art into a bible of the night, with its rituals and commandments.

The Launch concert served as the cult’s first ceremony.

On the night of the album launch, the concert screens would be used to bring forward the hidden culture of the night that exists in Beirut to the forefront of traditional media.


As a cult cannot exist without its founding members; we collaborated with 15 Lebanese artists to create 150 videos that celebrate the freedom of the night. They interpreted the night in their own way by submitting provocative raw footage of the night. The videos were VJ’ed live at the concert.

While the band was playing at the Barbican in London, we launched a party at Beirut’s Behind the Green Door club initiating the soon-to-be cult followers.

At the peak of the concert, we wired the screen in the barbican to a live feed from the party in Beirut where ¬the deity of the night made an appearance, his face shielded by a Hyena mask symbolizing Lebanese night scavengers.

Content that is usually subject to censorship in the region played on the concert screens as it was being transmitted live on TV and online reaching over 1 million people.


• Ranked #1 album on iTunes MENA (beating Adele’s Album release)

• #1 Album at Virgin Megastores MENA

• First Arab Pop band to be ranked #13 on US Billboard Charts

• 140k experienced the London Barbican Launch Concert from Lebanon,

an audience 28x larger than their biggest Beirut concert

• Over 1Million experienced, live, the Barbican Launch Concert in the world,

an audience 66x larger than their biggest concert ever.

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