Cannes Lions


SERVICEPLAN, Munchen / METRO / 2016


1 Silver Cannes Lions
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To DRAW ATTENTION to the METRO’S traceability services and to show the freshness of METRO’s fish, we CLEVERY INTRIGUE the customers IN-STORE WITH A PACKAGING IDEA for their fish purchases. We use the most established way to show being up-to-date: THE DAILY NEWSPAPER, which also happens to be the TRADITIONAL WAY TO WRAP FISH. But this time, we give it a twist. Therefore, we ask our partner fishermen TO SHIP SELECTED QUANTITIES of freshly caught fish with the LATEST ISSUES OF THEIR LOCAL NEWSPAPER. Every time a customer in the store buys a fish from that special batch, his purchase is wrapped in a page from THIS VERY NEWSPAPER. A specially designed sticker highlights the date of the catch while a CALL-TO-ACTION LEADS TO THE APP.


During the 4-week promotion from April to May, partner fishermen ship SELECTED QUANTITIES OF FRESHLY CAUGHT FISH with the LATEST ISSUES OF THEIR LOCAL NEWSPAPER to the different METRO stores. Every time a METRO customer buys a fish from that special batch, his purchase is wrapped in a page from this newspaper. A SPECIALLY DESIGNED STICKER on the wrapping holds the package together and highlights the date of both the newspaper and the catch.


The result: CUSTOMERS AND BYSTANDERS WERE CONVINCED: their curiosity about the unseen packaging RAISED PURCHASES OF THE SELECTED FISH about 68 PERCENT. Furthermore it was not only a factual proof of freshness but also a change of perception: a mass product appeared as UNIQUE AND TRUSTWORTHY; a big professional supplier came off as TANGIBLE AND PERSONAL.

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