Cannes Lions

The End of the Fucking World

4CREATIVE, London / CHANNEL 4 / 2020

Presentation Image
Case Film






Season 1 of The End of The F***ing world ended on a massive cliffhanger. But how do you launch the second season without any spoilers?


We paid homage to the show's comic book roots and dedicated fan base by bringing their fan theories to life in a series of animated films across social media.

Using comic book techniques and baked-in subtitles, we crafted them specifically for all social platforms and formats.

We even partner with Den of Geek to host an event space at MCM Comic Con where fans received printed versions of the comic with room for more theories of their own.

Photo opportunities allowed fans to take photos of themselves in the settings from the show, sharing them on social media.


The creative solution put the fans at the heart of the campaign. It allowed us to create a conversation and build excitement without having to worry about spoilers. The idea allowed the campaign to work on multiple platforms. The conversation we started on social reminded fans of season 1 and sparked excitement about the new season, making TEOTFW season 2 the most binged boxset on Channel4.


The work ran 1 month prior to Season 2 launch. It ran on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter as films. It had a dedicated event space at comic con where we published a comic book. We promotional outdoor banners and posters.


The conversation we started on social reminded fans of season 1 and sparked excitement about the new season, making TEOTFW season 2 the most binged boxset on Channel4.

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