Cannes Lions


UNIVERSAL MEDIA, Stockholm / SBAB / 2014

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We wanted to show how much Swedes lose from low interest rates through smart use of media.


- 3 consecutive ads/pages. First ad: “This second, Swedes lose 499 SEK”, second “Tomorrow you will have lost 43,099,072 SEK”, and third “In one year, you will lose (gulp) 15,731,161,388 SEK”


- Bus shelters: “2 minutes to the bus? By then you have lost 59,860 SEK on low interest”

- Underground: consecutive ads in escalators: “Every second, Swedes lose 499 SEK on low interest”, “Now you’ve lost 2,494 SEK” …etc.

- Streets: Digital Eurosize ads, where we brought out “The Loss Generator” as real time counters.


- Situation based ads, e.g.: “When you Facebook for a quarter, Swedes have lost 449,100 kr…” …etc.


- A spot explaining how much Swedes lose, portraying the big banks a profit-making clowns.

We deployed the campaign in two flights: May/June, and October/November.


The two flights had a direct effect on increase in weekly deposits.

Sales/financial results were extremely strong and beyond all expectations:

- After the May/June flight, weekly deposits increased +279%!

- After the Oct/Nov flight the increase was +663%, Q4 average vs. Q1 average.

- SBAB market share for savings increased from 1.84% (Jan-Nov 2012) to 2.69% (Jan-Nov 2013). The highest market share increase among all banks.

- The SBAB share of new accounts 2013 was 15%. Meaning SBAB has the highest market share for new accounts, despite being a small bank.

- In October-November alone, SBAB market share for new accounts was 34%!

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