Spikes Asia

The New Desk Phone


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In the spirit of remaining relevant, we believed that shifting from the conventional desk phone to the softphone was essential. Desk phones are so like…turn of the century. What’s more, they take up invaluable space on your desk that could be used for important trinkets, snacks and lanyards. Our vision was for everyone in the office to adopt the softphone as the new new. However, we understood that the shift would not be easy. Old habits die hard. (There were people in the agency in their 40s!) And millennials can be such an uncooperative bunch of ingrates. There were 297 employees to win over, and of course with precious little spending money.


We used a simple element, that millennials, forty somethings, luddites, and possibly even other primates would recognise - earphones. And turned them into a representation of the softphone that looked just like their deskphone. Just to let them know it wasn't going to be a leap into the great unknown. Heck even if it was, they would have the earphones for company.

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