Cannes Lions

The Perfect Canvas

WUNDERMAN, London / GSK / 2016

Demo Film
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This film is a short piece revealing the 10 causes of skin aging by the sun, shown directly over skin.

You’re introduced to a woman sitting on a stool, the lights fade to reveal a series of animations projected directly onto a canvas — her face. Every projected animation is then caught live on camera.

As each cause of skin damage/aging is projected over her face, the camera changes position to make room for copy that lets you understand exactly what you’re seeing.


To get the animations right, the illustration and animation teams immersed themselves in everything skin-related. We worked closely with the GSK innovation and R&D groups to ensure the illustrative elements were scientifically correct.

Though our female face was the canvas for the projections, we wanted our projected animations to serve as the hero of the film. A lot of effort was taken to ensure they had a certain luminescent quality that shined through into the lens. This required state-of-the-art high lumiere projection systems that were powered directly from After Effects and Maya 3D on set.

To save time on set, we cast a life-size mould out of the Gabriela’s head (our female face), which was used in advance of the shoot to get correct scaling and proportions.

Everything seen in the film is captured in camera.


To get the animations right, the illustration and animation teams immersed themselves in everything skin-related. We worked closely with the GSK innovation and R&D groups to ensure the illustrative elements were scientifically correct.

Even though our female face was the canvas for the projections, we wanted the animations to act as the hero of the film. A lot of effort was taken to ensure they had a certain luminescent quality that shined through into the lens.

Everything seen in the film is captured in camera; the projections, panning and background lighting. The only post production was the addition of the titles and description, along with grading and colouring.

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