Cannes Lions

The Promise of Cuba

J. WALTER THOMPSON NEW YORK, New York / ? / 2016

Case Film
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Data collection in Cuba poses major, often insurmountable challenges: There are 11 million Cubans, but only 1 in 5 Cubans have a phone. 1 in 4 have a TV; The government owns all four national TV networks and 58 local stations; Only 26% of the population has access to the Internet, but typically only email; Cellphone service remains elusive and at speeds unable to support digital network. Since we were not able to collect original survey data, or conduct data analytics as a result, we focused on in-depth qualitative research, insights from economists and leading experts, and conducted over 40 interviews to gain the most accurate view possible.

The result was a rich mixture of qualitative and quantitative insights — as well as cultural nuance and observations — of what Cuba looks like now, and might be in years to come. Sending a team to Cuba also added a first-hand layer of primary insight, observations and knowledge. Video interviews of case studies and experts also add another layer of nuance to findings, bringing their comments to life, as well as giving the viewer a visual context of real life in Cuba, from people's homes, to cafes, and businesses.


The report began life early 2015 with intense desk research and reporting. In January 2016 an Innovation Group team of 5 researchers, including 2 video journalists, spent 10 days on the island interviewing more than 40 Cubans about their lives, the economy, and opportunities as relations with the United States improve. Interviews were conducted both in English and Spanish, using translators when necessary. One angle we really wanted to dial up was technology and innovation in Cuba — there's a young, entrepreneurial generation hacking, distributing media, and innovating despite scant access to the internet —hence our partnership with J. Walter Thompson's digital agency Mirum. Michael Nelson, a head of Innovation at Mirum, was interviewed for the study for insights and was one of the team that took part in the Cuba trip. We also interviewed many of these young influencers there, since they are driving change in Cuba.


The Promise of Cuba panel at SXSW Interactive was very well attended. It featured Johnny Harris, International Video Reporter for Vox; Michael Nelson, Head of Innovation for Mirum UK — who had been on the trip — and was moderated by Todd Copilevitz, Planner and Strategist, J. Walter Thompson and Co-Author of report.

USA Today: “Cuban innovation ready to explode into tech world”. Print audience of 3.0 million, desktop 23.6 million, mobile 34.8 million.

The Guardian: “Obama’s Cuba visit highlights pace of change in country's tourism industry” 120 million unique browsers visits every month

BBC Breakfast: Interview with Innovation Group Worldwide Director Lucie Greene

Broadcast live on 20 March 2016, average daily reach of 6.8 million viewers

The Drum: “Cuba report shows innovation, technology and entrepreneurs prepared

to do business with the U.S.A.” 1.1 million unique users per month

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