Cannes Lions

The Real Self Checkout

HAVAS, London / ASDA / 2023


3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Checking yourself every month for breast cancer could save your life. You may already know this, but alarmingly, only 1 in 2 women regularly check themselves. It’s even less for men. We saw October 2022’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month as an opportunity to capitalise on ASDA's role in the lives of its customers and create a stand-out campaign that would follow shoppers at every turn. If we could drive real behavioural change amongst its 19m shoppers, we could step up the fight against breast cancer.


We built a comms strategy around a behaviour change model utilising key touchpoints throughout the customer journey to anchor multiple messages around self-checks.Our creative messaging fell into three phases: Prime: Raising awareness of the need for a self-checkout amongst the adult population. Nudge: Using in-store self-checkouts, grocery products and other shopping collateral to nudge people to check their breasts. Remind: Remind people to check their breasts when they get home via media they’ll see on their journey home, in-home reminders and text alerts. To get the self-check message into peoples’ heads, we used a combination of radio ads and social videos. Nudge tactics followed in the retail environment with strategically placed messages, containing a liberal dose of humour. These were supported by print and digital posters, store receipts and the ASDA rewards app. Finally came the at-home reminder courtesy of shopping bags, barcodes, text alerts and CRM emails.


To target ASDA's 19m shoppers, we built a comms strategy around a model for behaviour change, utilising key touchpoints throughout the customer journey to anchor multiple messages around self-checks.


The campaign ran across ASDA's 440 UK stores throughout October 2022’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


£5.9 million raised for ASDA's partner charities

605,424 who checked their chests as a direct result of seeing the campaign

Over 1.5 million views on the social video & 17 million impressions

Reached over 9 million people (At a very cost-efficient CPM of £0.56 )

Majority of impressions came from 18-54 age category.

However, we achieved a higher click through rate from the 54+ age category

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