Cannes Lions


R/GA, New York / R/GA / 2011


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
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Ever Googled yourself? Your prospective employers are doing the same—and checking out your tweets, status updates, and photos. Of course, you’re most likely finding out about them too. The age of social media demands transparency. It also presents opportunities for those fluent in the rules of the game.

We wanted to try a new kind of job interview: The Social Interview. Through the power of the crowd, The Social Interview paints a more complete picture of a candidates’ skill set, and created a more insightful and informed way for companies to find the best match.


We wanted to try a new kind of job interview: The Social Interview. Here’s how it works. We asked summer internship candidates to allow us to post three questions to their Facebook wall—not for them to answer, but for their friends to answer. It was a test, to see who could rally their social networks, and it gave us a more complete picture of the candidates than the traditional approach of just interviewing them individually. It can be easy to bend the truth in a one-on-one interview, it’s not so easy to convince your friends to do it in public, where everyone can see and comment.


With thousands of answers posted, we discovered some of the most young, social media savvy minds around. Through the power of the crowd, The Social Interview paints a more complete picture of a candidates’ skill set, and created a more insightful and informed way for companies to find the best match. In the end, The Social Interview showed us just how much a résumé leaves unsaid, and what social media holds for the future of recruiting.

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