Cannes Lions


1861UNITED, Milan / VODAFONE / 2013

Case Film






In order to launch Vodafone Unlimited, a new phone tariff dedicated to a young target with unlimited texts and internet, we developed an integrated project mixing the product features with creativity: the unlimited song, an endless and constantly changing song created merging the lines written and uploaded by people trough social networks, mobile APP and texts.


First of all, we published an unbranded prequel video on the social media, thus creating the hype for a big concert, without saying yet who was the performer.

In order to have success, we needed a star to sing it. A real stage beast. That’s why we created Pino the penguin, an unexpected character with the voice of a famous Italian singer: Elio.

To reveal the song, we chose the biggest stage in Italy: The Sanremo Festival. During the Premiere, we launched the commercial on TV and Web, in which we communicated the offer, we presented the song and invited people to continue it, asking them to tell what they like to do unlimitedly.

The campaign continued on the press, on the web, on the radio and in stores. And the unlimited song continued as well, and it was considered the real winner of the Sanremo Festival, becoming a true viral phenomenon.


The Unlimited song was a great success: more than 15 thousand users gave their contributions to realize it and 60 thousand people have downloaded the APP for iPhone and iPad.

The videos linked to the Unlimited song reached more than 4,5 million of You Tube views, generating more than 25 thousand likes on Facebook, 30 million impression on Twitter and more than 9 thousand tweets. The campaign has also reached very good results in awareness (+10%) and in product linkage (+24%), centering all the marketing objectives preset by the brand.

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