Cannes Lions

This is my soul


Case Film
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Making great food is like painting a great picture. The more of your soul you put into it, the better it will be.

We took Wilfred’s soul and used it to show what goes into his sausages. As he says, I am what you eat.

The idea of a black farmer making sausages is still (bizarrely) a little surprising, even now. The idea of him spending 2 minutes of TV prime time bearing his soul and declaring repeatedly ‘I am the beat!’ is downright ludicrous.

But only to narrow-minded killjoys.

There will be those watching this commercial who won’t get it at all, who’ll wonder what the hell it’s got to with sausages. It’s got everything to do with sausages – it’s about soul, for goodness’ sake. If you prefer your sausages soul-free, you can always buy Tesco’s Finest.


The plan was to make a commercial like no other food commercial.

Wilfred was hell bent on breaking the mould and acting differently to any other food company.

It was implemented on TV in a two minute, prime time spot, unheard of in the food industry and followed up with 30 second executions.


It’s still too early to tell the full effect, but given that Wilfred wasn’t interested in selling a single sausage, sales have increased by 30%.

The commercial has been written about, talked about and caused a storm on social media. Good and bad reaction in equal measures. It was also selected for a screening at London’s BAFTA television lecture addressing ethnic diversity given by Lenny Henry.

Those who get it, or are at least intrigued by it, enjoy the sight of a man of Jamaican origin demonstrating his deep passion for Morris dancing by unashamedly indulging in a bit of stick-tapping himself. They warm to his heart-on-sleeve eccentricity, and realise that it really does make the sausages taste better.

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