Cannes Lions
“Tiny Doll” is a biographical short film that chronicles the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of Rika Ishige, Thailand’s #1 fighter and MMA champion whose fire to fight is fueled by her childhood traumas. In a 6-minute long take, she takes the audience through the story of her life – from the early days as a small and delicate girl made bully victim to finding the strength to conquer her fears and become an MMA champion. With “Tiny Doll”, Kleenex not only breaks the category norm, but raises much-needed awareness of bullying in Thailand, empowering Thai women to fight back while still preserving their soft and gentle nature. #GentleNotWeak
The film we wanted to make would only work if it's truly believable and engaging. So we kept the filming process as authentic as possible. Rika herself became the lead. Her interview became the script. The fight scene featured the referee and commentator from her actual fights. And to bring it all together, we used continuous long-take techniques to make the audience feel like they're right there with her through each stage of her life's journey. Yet, this realistic approach finds an interesting contrast with surreal music and lighting, which lets the audience experience this story from inside Rika's imagination.
The whole online campaign gained over 5.8 million views on Facebook and Youtube and made headlines on national and international media. The film itself redefined the power of branded content in the self-care category, inspiring women all over Thailand to find their inner strength while preserving their soft and gentle nature. All the while raising a much-needed awareness of bullying in Thailand.
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