Cannes Lions


TMW, London / DUREX / 2015

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Case Film
Supporting Content
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Despite offering a full range of products aimed at promoting sexual wellbeing, most consumers associate Durex with condoms alone. To remedy this, we decided to take a more emotional position on sex and love. We chose to talk to lovers about one of the biggest problems in modern relationships; technology. We’re always on, and therefore don’t have the time to get turned on. We needed to confront the universal truths of our tech-dependent age in a way that would resonate with a global audience and inspire change. Earth Hour was the perfect platform to launch our movement and call on people to #TurnOffToTurnOn. By utilising Facebook, YouTube and Twitter (the very platforms we’re all so obsessed with), we knew our message would be seen – and spread. The campaign was a huge success, achieving double its targets and put Durex at the heart of a movement getting couples closer together.


We wanted to create a movement that inspired change. And so we engaged the Durex fan base by releasing provocative mission statements on Durex’s global Facebook pages. These were relationship truths that would strike a universal chord with any couple, or indeed anyone, who had let technology get in the way of their human relationships – thus igniting relevant conversation. A short film was subsequently posted on the Facebook brand pages, YouTube and a designated microsite. It offered a poignant reflection on our obsessive relationships and tied in with Earth Hour to call on people to #Turn Off to Turn On.


The campaign was launched in 23 different languages, across 56 countries. In just two weeks the film we’d posted on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter had a combined total of 63 million views.

There were 85 million video views in total across all platforms, meaning we exceeded our target of 100 million engagements with a total of 347 million engagements, 470 million PR impressions and over 1.96 billion total impressions across the globe. The campaign increased female engagement from 23% to 50% and increased positive sentiment about Durex from 80% to 98%.

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