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Twitch and Adobe: Learning Together

TWITCH ADVERTISING, San Francisco / ADOBE / 2022

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Adobe approached Twitch with the ultimate goal of engaging millions of viewers on Twitch in an authentic and impactful way by inspiring creativity and creative exploration through the Adobe Creative Cloud suite. More concretely, Adobe’s goal for the campaign and custom series was to drive awareness and purchase intent among Twitch’s audience.

Knowing that Twitch's community is filled with students, content creators, and aspiring streamers looking to build the skills they need to turn their dreams into careers, Adobe and Twitch decided to create virtual classrooms where those sorts of topics and content were being taught by fan-favorite Twitch creators. As such, each “class” or episode focused on relevant lessons about creating “stream assets,” or branded graphic elements used to increase the design quality of a channel - overlays, emotes, alerts, transition animations, headers, channel panels, channel trailers, and more: all of which make an individual’s channels uniquely theirs.


Twitch streamers take pride in their channels, which reflect their identity and brand. Channels allow streamers to express who they are, set the tone for their community, and drive viewership. For streamers, customizing their channels has great implications for the audience they attract and the hub they create. There are many tidbits and resources scattered online, but many come at a cost or do not provide comprehensive instruction.

As a result, emerging and established streamers alike often outsource designers or they’re forced to settle for free options that may not speak best to who they are. Twitch and Adobe teamed up to change this and empower Twitch’s live community members to craft their own, unique branded channel elements.

Twitch and Adobe thought to leverage the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of applications to show the Twitch community how they could easily create their own stream assets and feel confident


Utilizing Twitch’s proprietary technology called squad streams, each 2-hour episode featured one streamer who led and “taught the class” for two fellow streamer “students” on how to use Adobe Creative Cloud to overhaul their Twitch channels' design elements. Audiences watched streamers with little-to-no Adobe experience, create something tangible, aesthetically pleasing, and most importantly, quintessentially them. Each streamers’ respective community chimed in, cheered, and aided them along the way which made the streams truly magical.

The Learning Together roster featured a variety of streamers at different skill levels, ranging from beginner to advanced, to cater to every viewer no matter their experience with Adobe products. The Twitch creators leading the streams were encouraged to pick their “class lessons”, which led to better chemistry and collaboration in chat. Thanks to the relevance of the “assignments”, viewers could see how they could immediately apply their learnings to their own channels in real time.


In a series of squad streams, each themed around creating a different stream asset, Twitch streamers and their audiences were schooled live by a popular Twitch creator, like Travis Gafford, Kitboga, or Fuslie, on how to use specific Adobe programs catering to students, content creators, and the average gamer. For example, there was a class about using Illustrator to create emotes, another to show how After Effects could produce transition animations, and another to review how Photoshop could be used to create channel overlays.

The 16 Learning Together episodes were promoted on Twitch’s homepage and via the social channels of the 44+ influencers involved in the year-long program.

The streams were saved for future reference as on-demand videos on the Adobe Twitch channel, to serve as a resource for future viewers that might stumble upon the content.


The Learning Together series garnered over 11.5 million views with over 45 million minutes watched. The series was able to engage the viewers involved on a massive scale, with over 133K enthusiastic chat messages sent by viewers and streamers - bringing Twitch’s interactivity and community-driven nature to the next level.

The program reached over 9MM students and far exceeded brand benchmarks by boosting metrics across the board as indicated in a brand lift study conducted to gauge the effectiveness of the campaign: +7% in unaided awareness, +9% in purchase intent, +6.8% in brand favorability, and +14.2% in message association.

Twitch and Adobe's Learning Together was one of the most successful sponsored series on Twitch to date.

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