Cannes Lions

Unescapable Room

OGILVY BRASIL, Sao Paulo / UNICEF / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






The Unescapable Room is an escape game which people had 30 minutes to solve challenges and escape the room. But those challenges were based on real facts. And just like a poor teenager , even solving all the challenges, participants would die in the end due to violence.

Everything was planned to change the perception of a especif social class in brazil so that they could live and feel a life complety different from their own.


We divided the game in 5 steps to represent the main problems of slums in Brazil. At first, like any poor teenager, they needed to work and study at the same time. The second part represented hunger. Participants had to solve riddles at the kitchen, while sounds of children crying out of hunger were taunting them. After that, a woman was beaten up representing the domestic violence, while players tried to go to the next step.

The fourth challenge was graduating from high school. Sounds of shots and violence makes it very difficult for the players to concentrate. Specially when they needed to hide in the bathroom because thugs were threatening to kill them. In the end, even completing all the tasks, no one would manage to escape from violence and participants were killed in the game. The scenario was build based on real facts from a real.


The campaign reached 17,4 million people.

1,191,829.42 USD in earned media.

246'' on Brazil's main tv channel

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2018, UNICEF

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