Cannes Lions



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United Home Products (UHP) sells low-cost vitamins, supplements and ointments to the poorest provinces in the Philippines, but was getting undercut in a category that is driven by price.

With 90% of these families earning $1,500-$4,700 USD yearly, they live on a hand-to-mouth basis. Housewives do whatever it takes to manage their family’s income and often this comes WITHOUT the ability to provide more.

These families have a choice: eat or buy medicine.

We created a grassroots community outreach program, called “Transforming Local Communities”, where we armed moms with skills (like massage therapy and soap making) and resources (raw materials indigenous to their region) to create their own start-up business. From the income they generated, they were able to take better care of their families and stop worrying about the basic necessities.

We did not stop with livelihood. To sustain this relationship, we created another program through “United Home Care Day” where they received access to free medical consultation and supplies which ingrained UHP within the households.

53% became entrepreneurs, providing extra income and better healthcare for their families. 50% networked to 5 other non-users each. UHP as “brand recommended by family” improved from 34% to 52% and as “brand recommended by friends” improved from 36% to 54%.

The impact to the community and brand changed client’s business model. Instead of investing heavily on media, we now invest on uplifting lives.


Our grassroots community outreach program, called “Transforming Local Communities”, armed moms with skills (like massage and soap-making) and indigenous raw materials to start their own business and be able to take better care of their families.

We did not stop with livelihood. To sustain this relationship, we created another program through “United Home Care Day” where they received access to free medical consultation and supplies which ingrained UHP within the households.

UHP became part of their lives as we sustained interaction via SMS to express our concern for their welfare especially after the typhoon Haiyan. And because we knew that life was harder after the calamity, UHP organized a free Christmas get-together where the community experienced the Brand again, this time uplifting their spirits through fun activities and gifts.


Results were life-changing as moms made the first step towards new beginnings.

53% became entrepreneurs, providing extra income and better healthcare for their families. 50% networked to 5 other non-users each. Our community grew from 400 to 700 in 3 months. UHP as “brand recommended by family” improved from 34% to 52% and as “brand recommended by friends” from 36% to 54%. 56% became brand advocates, claiming brand love. These advocates became living testimonials in our TVC on how UHP changed their lives. Trial grew from 2% to 4%, usage from 3% to 5%.

Sales increased from 18% to 85% in Mindanao and from 18% to 154% in Visayas, and further stabilized at an average growth of 6% months after activation, despite aggressive competitors.

We are here in the community to stay. One peso a time, we help Filipino communities realize their dreams, build dignity and achieve a better life.

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SEVEN AD, Taguig


2018, UNILAB

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