Cannes Lions



Case Film
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As the global female shave-care leader, Venus wanted to address an issue that was important to girls/women worldwide. We conducted a global survey to better understand the cultural similarities and differences in the effects of one-dimensional labels.

Globally, we learned:

1. One-dimensional labels are widespread and have a negative impact on women’s lives: The majority of women surveyed (67%) have experienced one-dimensional labels or stereotypes, with more women agreeing labels have had a negative effect (43%) on their lives (vs. positive, 26%).

2. Labeling/stereotyping starts young and in school: The majority of women (70%) first felt constrained by stereotypes or labels at as early as 10 years old, reporting their classmates as the top group of people (67%) who have given them a label.

3. Women who’ve been labeled before more frequently label others: More women frequently label others who have been labeled themselves (62%) vs. women who have never been labeled (34%).

4. Secondary research shows that:

• Labels are a self-fulfilling prophecy; people’s behaviors tend to reflect stereotypes they have been assigned.

• In the ongoing search for identity, women accept stereotypical labels, which cause a snowball effect of generating other assumed labels, perpetuating the cycle.


To launch Venus’s first ever global brand purpose campaign, we wanted to do things in a vastly different way. Our goal was to engage women with an issue that is as true for our brand as it is to them.

• A global survey was conducted to ensure we understood the issues girls and women faced when given a one-dimensional label.

• “Spoken-word poetry,” a technique often used for people to share their views, experiences or life lessons are how we told our story.

• Real women were cast to add to the authenticity of our message and speak to our key consumers.

• “Venus” music and lyrics were rewritten and orchestrated so our song and its meaning would connect with the world today.

• We launched digitally only. Our video was housed on the Gillette Venus YouTube Channel, where it could be viewed in seven languages.

• Launched January 8, 2015, as girls and women were heading back to school, work and post-holiday life, to remind them of the potential they have within themselves.

• Shoestring budget – study, production, media seeding, etc. – less than the cost of a traditional production only.

The passion behind the development of the campaign stemmed from Gillette Venus’s brand’s heritage. Before Venus, razors for women were designed for men and “painted pink” to imply femininity. Venus was born out of a desire to finally give women a product specially designed to work with their body’s unique curves and contours for their best shave. But Venus also wanted women to have a product that was wrapped in a gorgeous design – not just another “male pink” razor for women, or just a well-functioning product for women. Venus is both pretty and smart. Our goal was to show women that they too should always #UseYourAnd and give the world their whole potential.


We had several campaign goals:

• First and foremost, Venus wanted to connect with young women. The purpose was to start the conversation on the importance of not being limited by a one-dimensional label.

• Quantitatively, we wanted to have15 million views of the video and 90% positive sentiment of our message in 90 days.

“&Stand” and the #UseYourAnd campaign have far exceeded Venus’ expectations. Our 15-million-view goal was reached within six weeks with over 400 million media impressions. Additionally, with no media investment or seeding, there were over 450 posts to #UseYourAnd on Instagram.

However, we’re most proud of the impact this campaign has had on women. The video has garnered 98% positive sentiment to date and has made girls examine the effect of one-dimensional labels on their potential, as seen in comments like this:

Ranjana Mohan

Wonderful inspiration just when I needed it the most!! Sometimes even though you know your potential, you'll need someone to make you believe in yourself again.. Thanks for this beautifully made video :)


This is the most amazing, awe-inspiring thing I've ever heard. This page is my homepage so every morning when I get on the internet I hear it. This spoken word is VERY touching.

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