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Conduct a Transform Audition which anyone can participate in easily. Users can experience a total look transformation on the web and share the experience via SNS.The audition is based on user votes and the selected candidates will experience a real-life transformation, enabled by team of Vidal Sassoon professionals.In order to make this audition a big movement among consumers, Vidal Sassoon achieved attention from consumers by transforming a celebrity, who is known as a representative of cuteness, into a super stylish woman.
As a reward for campaign participation, Vidal Sassoon offered the participants a chance to make their début in Vogue magazine, which is the first time that a general consumer has appeared on the magazine.With this plan, Vidal Sassoon delivered the message that it is only a hair care brand, but goes beyond that to support women’s self expression.
AWARENESS / 2011.Nov-Launched a Transform Audition website.Enabled the transformation experience among vast amounts of women by maximising the campaign awareness through multiple touchpoints such as Web banners, PR, and Train channels.Introduced a transformed celebrity visual at Vogue's Fashion Night Out.Conducted product sampling with a transformation kit and spread the campaign pre-news.
Created excitement among consumers.SPREAD / 2011.Nov-Women who have experienced the transformation will share it via their own SNS.One experience leads to another, creating a circle of trial, and the news of the Transform Audtion is spread among other women.ACTIVATION / 2012.Jan - MarThe transformation is not limited to the website; the campaign floods Japan, through a total look transformation and a Vogue model debut done by Vidal Sassoon professionals. The brand’s equity - Vidal Sassoon exists to support women’s self-expression - is widely recognised and lead to product purchase.
This campaign involved 2,659,016 consumers.83,406 of women in Japan have 'transformed'.Reported in over 130 News media and programs such as in the Yahoo! news headlines.Product sales improved 142% during the retail display peak.Brand awareness improved 125%.
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