Cannes Lions


WUNDERMAN3, Chicago / MICROSOFT / 2011

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We proposed a two-pronged attack. Part 1 involved piggybacking on a promotion in progress: The DUB Show Tour. We plotted a “tour takeover” that included onsite activation, an online reskin, a magazine feature, and a national sweepstakes for a 2010 Ford Mustang designed to be the “Crackdown 2 Cruiser!”The DUB tour provided access to massive audiences to promote our novel part 2: a “Twitter Hunt" based on a scavenger hunt formula but revised to utilise the fresh (at the time) technology. We tackled the logistics (and legalities) of using Twitter to seed clues and award prizes…in 5 cities!


A total program cost of $208,000 yielded a marketing value of a whopping $1.25 million. The promotion garnered a massive 14.3 million total impressions and a handsome 6 to 1 ROI. Not bad for a game that had been totally ignored three weeks earlier.Plus, the campaign became a template for future Xbox promotions and business. Xbox executed carbon copy versions of the Crackdown 2 Twitter Hunt for the Fable 3 game release, as well as the University of Washington and Washington State University athletics sponsorships. All unexpected, incremental business based on this initial success.Justice is sweet.

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