Cannes Lions

Violence of Reality


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We created "Violence of Reality" - a video game based on the testimonials of children who have experienced domestic violence. The game leads players to a digital petition, which in turn (we hope) forces politicians to act.

The game was a conversation starter for UNICEF, with relevant engaging content used to foreground the problem. As a result it was an eye opener both to politicians and to the wider public, questioning our skewed sense of violence in games versus IRL (in real life).


The video game we created could be played through modern browsers. The script was based on testimonials from children who have experienced domestic violence, and performed by nationally acclaimed actors.

A short teaser film was also used to publicise the game's message. Both the game and the film encourage people to sign a UNICEF digital petition, which will be sent to politicians. To support the game and film and encourage engagement and conversation around the issue of children and violence, we created social media content and contacted the press. We also arranged for a live stream Twitch session with some of the world's most famous gamers and sent open letters to politicians via Twitter demanding legal change.

We used no paid media - in fact, the whole budget went to strategy, creative, production and media outreach. The campaign began on 14 February and ran until 11 March.


We got the whole nation talking about the game and influential politicians took notice. During the campaign's first 24 hours more than 500 people played the game and Sweden's most popular morning television show talked about the initiative and tested the game on air. The campaign achieved more than 30 million interactions in traditional and social media and more than 26,000 people signed the petition (the goal was 10,000 signatures). Politicians from the Swedish Liberal party and the Social Democrats have also answered UNICEF's demands and spoken about the initiative on social media.

The Swedish Government is now exploring ways to make all violence against children punishable by law, providing hope for many that one day protection won't just be a game.

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