Cannes Lions

Visit Earth


Supporting Content
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80% of Russians have never travelled and increased economic pressures were giving them more reasons not to. Price sensitivity was making Russians travel less or stay away from it all together. In order to sustain S7 ticket sales amidst the down turn, we needed to reposition travel from something costly to something invaluable to us as humans. We needed to deliver a radical new perspective on travel that would inspire Russians to get out there.

To engage our audience and expand the brand’s cultural value and presence, we wanted to create more than an ad campaign and produce the first-ever travel show for aliens. Broadcasting it into space to invite aliens to visit our planet and help humans rediscover Earth as if seeing it for the very first time.

We targeted a forward-looking, modern and active online Russian audience aged 25-45, as this is where they prefer to consume content.


Visit Earth is the first ever travel show made especially for aliens. And the first ever show that was broadcast into outer space. We wanted to craft an original content series in the style of a mix tape, combining mixed media, ensuring all content was captured and edited in a surprising and unusual way. To actually invite aliens to Earth, the series was beamed into space on November 23, 2018 by the specialists at Bauman Moscow State Technical University with an RT 7.5 radio telescope and a specially developed transmitter. The signal is expected to reach exoplanet, Gliese 581c, in 20 years.

The content was optimised for digital, hosted on the YouTube channel, campaign web hub at It also aired on TV channel “SHOT TV”.


Air travel can be the worst part of travelling: uninspiring, commoditised, miserable. S7 Airlines understands that, which is why its business is bigger than in-flight comfort, it is the pursuit of happiness and the experiences that enrich us as humans.

This gave us a clearly defined strategic approach: inspire people with fresh perspectives on Earth's destinations rather than try to sell them the airline's cabins and ticket promos. So we asked, what is the most radically inspiring perspective on Earth? Whose eyes could we borrow to re-enchant life itself?

Our creative response: Visit Earth, the first travel show for aliens. We created a travel series that reveals how mind-blowing life on Earth can be if you take a moment to step back and take a good, close look at it. Like aliens on a tour of all the things in life we humans cherish and ultimately travel for.


Visit Earth is the first ever travel show made especially for aliens.

The show’s episodes (approx. 12 minutes each) are dedicated to six themes: Nature, Food, Parties, Art, Sport and Love. Visit Earth reintroduces viewers to these topics as if they never experienced them in their lives. To actually invite aliens to Earth, the series was beamed into space on November 23, 2018 by the specialists at Bauman Moscow State Technical University with an RT 7.5 radio telescope and a specially developed transmitter.

Because our target audience prefers to consume content online, our content was optimised for digital, hosted on the YouTube channel, campaign web hub at It also aired on TV channel “SHOT TV”.


Over 35 million series views in Russia.

100% increase in subscribers to the S7 Airlines YouTube channel.

5% growth in brand preference following the results of the campaign.

25% increase in search conversion from query to ticket purchase during the campaign period.

Across YouTube and S7's online brand channels, the series garnered 8X the amount of viewer engagement vs other previous campaigns, and 96% positive sentiment from viewers.

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