Cannes Lions

Vodafone Snapstars

TRUE, Auckland / VODAFONE / 2016

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To share more of the excitement from the VNZMAs with viewers at home, we turned the commercial breaks into an award show just for them. The Vodafone Snap Star Awards allowed the TV audience to become part of the live broadcast using Snapchat.

During the ceremony, TV presenters announced Snap Star awards for Best Air Guitar, Best Artist Lookalike and Best Dance; followed by a Fantastic Fridays TVC that called for entries.

Inside the TV studios we reviewed entries, selected winners and created UGC adverts in real-time. Within 20 minutes, the winning entries were broadcast live as part of a subsequent Fantastic Fridays TVC.

TVC spots that Vodafone traditionally filled with retail and brand messages became a stage for Snapchatters to inject their own content into a primetime broadcast.

By combining TV and Snapchat in an unexpected way, we engaged our dual-screening target and tapped into a captive TV audience.



• X4 30-second ad spots during TV3 broadcast.

• TV audience had X3 chances to win a Snap Star Award (Best Air Guitar, Best Artist Lookalike, Best Dance).

• Time-sensitive entries via Snapchat.

• Real-time UGC content placed in advert minutes prior to broadcast.

• Winning entries aired on TV during subsequent commercial breaks.

How this looked to TV audience:

• TV presenters verbally introduced Snap Star Awards.

• On-screen pop-ups encouraged TV audience to add VodafoneNZ on Snapchat and enter.

• X4 TVCs with prominent Fantastic Fridays messaging encouraged entries and revealed winners.

• 1st TVC:

o Introduced Snap Star Awards.

o Encouraged audience participation.

o Launched first award and entry details.

• 2nd, 3rd and 4th TVC:

o Announced winners of each award.

o Played UGC entries within TVC.

o Introduced next award and entry details.

o The 4th TVC also thanked customers and reinforced Fantastic Fridays messaging.

How we did it

• Timeline: 26th October - 19th November 2015.

• TVC framework built in advance, leaving space to insert UGC entries in real-time.

• During the live event we reviewed Snapchat entries, chose winners, and quickly created each TVC with only minutes to spare before broadcast.


The innovative use of second-screens helped us dominate the VNZMA conversation.

In delivering an engaging second screen experience for the VNZMAs we created a whole new engagement channel for Vodafone:

• +200k Snapchat story views on the night

• +10k user generated content pieces during event

• 550% uplift in Snapchat followers

• 70% Snapchat follower engagement rate

We increased brand awareness over and above the 10% target:

• Increased customer awareness of Vodafone Fantastic Fridays by 20% during the campaign period, from 26th October to 19th November

• 22% uplift in named sponsorship awareness during campaign period, from 26th October to 19th November

• 10.5 million earned media PR Value

• 2.5m impressions during campaign period

Influence NPS from customers who engaged with Fantatsic Fridays during campaign by 20%:

We increased NPS by 45% during campaign period, from 26th October to 19th November

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