Cannes Lions


ACHTUNG!, Amsterdam / VOLKSWAGEN / 2010


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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The new Polo is blessed with a tough appearance. So we wanted an idea that gave people with a little bit of guts a chance to get to know this new Volkswagen in an unconventional way.For 8 days, the new Polo became public-property. Drivers had one goal: drive as many kilometers as possible, and you could win the Polo. Cameras were mounted on the Polo to stream live-images to the campaign site - 12 hours per day, 8 days long.

The car's route was solely determined by websitevisitors. By entering their postalcode, they could steer the Polo toward their neighborhood.This resulted in a live adventure where we made drivers (instead of the car) national heroes. And everybody in the Netherlands was a director as they could influence the direction of the car and possible get behind the wheel themselves. This unpredictable character created unique entertaining and engaging contents.


Most important medium was the Polo itself (and the accompanying following-van) as it functioned as a live podium that streamed live video.

The introduction was announced to the general public in a series of 3 short, teasing TV commercials.

The Polo could also be followed daily, live on radio: on radio 538, The Netherlands most popular radiostation, the dj called every day to the host sitting next to the driver in the Polo and did a live report what happened that day.The emphasis of the campaign was on online media. For example, people could ’steel’ the Polo from each other’s social network profiles. And we challenged renowned blogs to participate in Get the Polo themselves. That resulted in video-reports and written reviews from the webloggers about their ride in the Polo (and the distance they managed;-).


From 16 until 24 July, 175 people actually stopped the polo and drove more than 2500 kilometers. In 9 days, 240.000 people visited the campaign site with an average time-spend of 7.45 minutes. In total, they watched over 34.500 hours of streamingvideo. The diversity of young drivers was fun to watch as they ended up in hilarious situations together with the host sitting next to the driver.

Websitevisitors that entered their postalcode to direct the Polo towards their own neighborhood, entered postal codes covering all of the Netherlands. As a car brand for 'all people', this is an extremely important result for Volkswagen.

Next to this, 33.000 social network members at Hyves installed a Public Polo skin on their profile page and 84.000 people read about Public Polo on participating weblogs. Dozens of other weblogs wrote voluntarily about this campaign from Volkswagen and on Twitter hundreds of tweets circulated.

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