Cannes Lions

Wakeboards & Waterslides

MOL, São Paulo / RED BULL / 2021

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On March 2020 a global pandemic took everyone by surprise. Events around the world were cancelled. Red Bull Brazil sports and cultural events, core assets of the brand's marketing strategy, were cancelled as well.

Content production with sponsored athletes was reduced to almost zero. Therefore two of the most effective Red Bull marketing weapons were shut down indefinitely, creating an unprecedented challenge.

Meanwhile parks around Brazil were closed due to the same health measures, including Beach Park, the largest waterpark in Latin America.

Six months passes by. Still no events, still no parks reopening.

Red Bull Brazil approaches us. They recently started sponsoring Pedro Caldas, wakeboard world champion, and they were planning on having him ride the water slides at Beach Park on his wakeboard. We were in charge of creating a narrative, and delivering video content pieces with great visual impact, to promote the brand during 2021 Brazil's summer.


The idea was to create a 3-minute main video piece, that would tell the story of Pedro Caldas entering empty Beach Park, and doing stunts on the giant water slides while riding his wakeboard. The story had to make sense, meaning he wouldn't invade the park for example, or act out a complex fictional story. It had to be real, and at the same time, a little more than just documenting the feat.

We went back to the root of the idea. Pedro told us that doing this at a waterpark was a long time dream of his. This insight lead to create an introduction and ending that would simple, direct, and also related to making his dream come true.

While inside the park, we wanted to look like Pedro was riding on his wakeboard the entire time, from one end of the park to the other.


For the video content we needed to record as much as possible. We formed a tight and experienced team to fly to Fortaleza, home of Beach Park. The crew size was relatively small to avoid a crowded work environment. We had five video cameras, a drone and a still photographer.

We hired a north American director, who we had worked with in the past, and who had previous experience with Red Bull. He is as former snowboard athlete himself, which motivated us to bring him to the project.

Besides the main piece we scripted more than ten social cuts, written specifically for each platform, for example TikTok videos were different from Instagram versions.

The ultimate goal was to gain earned media. For that the most important material was an 8-minute news cut and high resolution still photos. Red Bull logos had to appear throughout all the videos and photos.


With all the videos, photos and press release finished, the content was ready to be launched.

Major TV networks (broadcast and cable), news websites and related blogs received the press kit in advance, in January 15th 2021, composed by an 8-minute news cut, an official announcement, and 48 high resolution photos showcasing Pedro Caldas performance at Beach Park.

One week later, in January 22nd, a instagram teaser was released on Red Bull's profile.

Two weeks later, in January 29th 2021, the main 3-minute piece was debuted on Red Bull TV worldwide.

The following weeks a variety of social cuts were released on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

Beach Park and Pedro Caldas posted the main instagram video on their profiles.

Red Bull and Beach Park account for 2.2 million followers together, including Instagram and TikTok platforms.


The project gained Earned Media on major TV channels, news websites and blogs.

"Globo Esporte", a sports show on broadcast TV channel "Globo" - the largest commercial TV network in Latin America, did a 2-minute piece on the story, on the same the day as the official launch.

"Viva o Esporte", a show on cable TV sports channel "BandSports" - the largest sports channel audience on cable, also did a piece on Pedro Caldas stunts.

"Estadao", a news website with 47.8 million unique visitors every month, posted an article about the story. Other 29 blogs posted as well.

The video on Red Bull's instagram had a 750% increase in engagement vs. the previous year average. The videos accumulated +778k views and +50k likes, not including Red Bull TV and numbers, which both don't share video views.

The brand and Red Bull logo appear in all videos and photos.

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