Cannes Lions

Wedding March


Presentation Image
Case Film
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Our idea was to extend the concept of the agility of the Nissan March, showing how a car with these characteristics can change someone’s whole life, not only whilst driving. For this, we decided to help a very unpunctual person. And no-one better to represent this than the symbol of lateness: a bride. We found a young woman who fulfilled all our criteria: had severe time/watch issues and was always leaving her fiancé waiting, as well as well as being constantly late for university and work. Nissan’s idea was that she could change this story, proposing that she could surprise everyone by arriving at the altar before her groom. Everything was kept totally secret from the groom, the family and all the friends who only discovered on the day. The entire ceremony and organization was filmed as a live reality action special.


The brief was received in September 2015, the wedding occurred 30th January 2016 and the campaign was launched 8th March 2016. Over these 6 months, various steps were carried out: use of the database to profile the potential bride for the initial questionnaires, personal interview to confirm the choice of candidate, coaching sessions for the bride to learn how to time manage and the micro planning of the mechanics for the big event on the day of the ceremony. This included visiting the forest where the wedding was to take place (the couple had previously reserved the space) how to “trick” the bridegroom at the moment of the ceremony and how to film the live action without any margin of error available. Everything happened in a remote forest beside a restaurant where the party took place in an event with over 150 people who at the end also became part of the action, receiving pieces especially made for them. (Luckily it didn’t rain on the day, but we were ready for it!)


The final result including all social networks:

8,827,845 views (441.39% of the target)

77,527 likes and 9,487 comments (474.35% of the target)

5,966 shares (596.6% of the target)

Media cost per view: R$0.0346 (82.7% below the allowable target)

Total cost of the action per view R$0.0599

Engagement: 2.6% (2.6 times the target)

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