Cannes Lions


OGILVY, Mexico City / ABINBEV / 2020

Demo Film
Supporting Images
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For six years, Cerveza Victoria (the oldest beer of Mexico) has built a platform focused on the Day of the Dead with the objective of rescuing Mexican traditions. Unfortunately, in the last few years, it was becoming more difficult to stand out in this season, as more brands also communicated something regarding the Day of the Dead, saturating the media with ads about catrinas and Calaveras, with cero innovation.

It was crucial for Cerveza Victoria, a brand that was a leader in this season to reinvent itself and stand out among the common ads other brands were exploiting. The objective was to reach young audiences and make them feel proud of their roots that remained unknown to them.


We decided to create an entertainment piece regarding Xibalba, the Mayan underworld. The place where ancient Mexican cultures believed that souls of the dead traveled to confront with a series of trials to achieve eternal rest.

This short film of two minutes is about the story of Ikal, a young man that travels to Xibalba after dying. With the help of his family and ancient rituals, Ikal succeeds in crossing the underworld to bid a farewell from the world of the living, and to finally meet his loved ones that went to the other side.


The origin of the Day of the Dead hides many myths and legends, but maybe the most important ones are found in the underworlds, places where ancient Mexican cultures believed that the souls of the dead traveled to.

These places are considered the root of rituals and traditions that are practiced nowadays throughout all the country on the Day of the Dead, like the well-known ofrendas (altars), even if most of the people are oblivious to it.

To make it be known to young audiences, we decided to make an entertainment piece regarding one of the underworlds.


Timeline: From October 15th, 2019 to November 20th, 2019.

Placement: Movie Theaters, YouTube, Facebook, National TV Channels.


98% positive sentiment.

29 million video views.

63.5 million reach people.

58% view-through rate.

The impact our piece had on our young audience was directly reflected in the thousands of positive comments on social media; there were even requests to the brand to make a film about the topic, mostly agreeing that this kind of story should be representing Mexican cinema.

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