Cannes Lions


MEDIACOM, Sydney / DELL / 2011

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Our idea was simple; interactive content, inspired by street art, that consumer could choose and navigate through themselves.We handpicked two street artists and commissioned them to develop original pieces of art inspired by the laptop lids.We shot the artists in time-lapse and developed an interactive function that enabled viewers to choose their own route through the films, based on the designs that inspired them.There were 7 potential routes through the content each finishing with an end frame that encouraged users to click through to buy on the Dell website or become a fan via Facebook.We used emerging music artist, Washington, as the soundtrack to the content as well as giving Facebook fans the chance to meet her at an exclusive gig.The series was promoted with targeted media buys including social media, key art and music sites as well as a television campaign featuring Washington.


The results were outstanding.Sales increased by a massive 61% post the campaign period.PR exposure valued at $2.1 million.

A massive 100,000+ video views of the content with 39% of all viewers watching the content to the final frame.We achieved over 28,000 clicks through to the Dell Facebook page.Over 1,300 people entered the Washington competition.

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