Cannes Lions


WOLFF OLINS, New York / ZOCDOC / 2016

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With a mission of ‘giving power to the patient’ since day one, Zocdoc needed a logo that captured the ethos of the brand and the perspective of the patient.

Our idea was to make Zocdoc literally the friendly face of healthcare.

The logo would become a companion along patients’ healthcare journey. A companion that could be responsive, emotional – perhaps even lovable. In this way, Zocdoc’s logo could be the first in healthcare to really help patients feel like their expectations of their healthcare experience were understood and reflected. We even challenged the conventional color of the healthcare industry, which over-indexes on the blue and green side of the color wheel. We opted for a bright and optimistic yellow.


At the center of the new brand lives Zee – a dynamic Z-shaped logo that captures the ever-changing patient face. By responding to user situations in a human way – with a wink, a smile or perhaps a confused look – Zee helps patients feel like their journey is understood and reflected.

In terms of color, we made a radical departure from the cold, omnipresent blues and greens of healthcare, replacing them with an optimistic and warm yellow-led palette.

Together these visual elements assure the patient that, unlike a typical healthcare experience, Zocdoc is fundamentally designed around their needs.

We worked quickly and closely with Zocdoc's UX and UI teams to thoroughly stress-test the system across every touch-point. Insights from this were fed directly into development, ensuring the final brand would be highly usable and useful for the internal design team.


In the weeks immediately following the launch of the new brand look and feel, Zocdoc saw the following results:

- 27.5% increase in Zocdoc app downloads in the two-week period post-rebrand alone

- More than 32 million social impressions overwhelmingly positive in tone within the first week of rebrand launch

- More than 20 original articles published across prominent national outlets (including,, and within the first week of launch

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