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STARCOM MELBOURNE, Melbourne / MARS / 2008

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Once upon a time, a new chocolate bar named FLING had a quest; to reach the category top 10 (achieved by one other in ten years). Its launch goals: 30% advertising awareness and 15% trial.In order to be chosen over its rivals, FLING needed everyone to remember its name. However, while some saw a fling as harmless fun, others (especially married women) viewed a fling as something unfaithful or regretful.But FLING knew the unifying truth; … the real appeal of a fling is in the fantasy (or living a fling vicariously) rather than the reality.FLING’s strategy was to distance itself from the real world, focussing on a world where flings were frivolous and fun...The fantasy kingdom of celebrity relationships! FLING would invade this world; cheekily poking fun at the transient nature of celebrity relationships. The catch cry was, “Forever is overrated - just have a FLING”!


Targets smashed:- 2nd highest ever advertising awareness for any Mars brand (41%) - 20% trial- Number 7 bar within 4-weeks!$2.5m magazine exposure for $0.7m investment!Delighted client: “XXXX extended FLING’s communication far beyond expectations, with seamless integration into celebrity worlds”. …and they lived happily ever after!!


FLING knew that Australian women are obsessed with celebrity sex lives! Not only would this strategy guarantee their attention but here a FLING would always be seen in a good light. The keys to this land were held by powerful magazines. In order to cut-through in a memorable way, FLING sought to create alliances with their editors and add value for their readers. The name FLING had to be on everyone’s lips. FLING’s editorial alliances achieved unprecedented levels of content adaptation! We convinced editors to send-up their own precious content, taking light-hearted peeks at celebrity flings. We worked with them to integrate advertising messages into regular content and designed bespoke editorial to create cut-through in a memorable way. Each magazine editor brought FLING to life in a unique way, and each touch point added another layer to make FLING’s launch truly memorable.


For the first time in 20-years, an Australian magazine (Famous) dedicated an entire issue to one topic – Flings! The editor subtlety placed our hero’s colours and name throughout the magazine with editorial such as, Why Hollywood's hottest are addicted to Flings and celebrity quotes like, "The older men get, the easier it is to have Flings" - Owen Wilson. FLING even featured on the front cover!Who Magazine’s editor created an amazing 35-page section dedicated to flings including a cut-out-and-keep Star Fling Map! New Idea produced a Mills & Boon style fairytale story within a sealed section, and other editors created clever 'Do Not Disturb' door hangers and placed ‘FLING reminder’ post-it notes onto gossip editorial. On TV, fun relationship shows like ‘Grey’s Anatomy and ‘Ugly Betty' joined forces with the ambitious little chocolate bar to remind women to have a FLING every week. Suddenly there were FLINGs everywhere!

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