Film Craft > Film Craft
The five-minute film is a powerful and disturbing story, narrated from the point of view of an unborn baby girl, as a Dear Daddy letter. The girl explains how, as she grows up, boys will start to treat her badly; they'll call her whore and bitch and c*** in high school, she'll be raped at 21 and even her eventual fiance, a nice boy with a good job, will subject her to abuse.
This is a theme/problem with international relevance and the main reason why this five minutes long film has reached an audience of more than 150 million people.
The problem is highly relevant in most of the world, although in different degree.
Dear Daddy,
I just wanted to thank you for looking after me so well, even though I’m not yet born.
I know you already try harder than Superman (you won’t even let Mummy eat sushi!), but I need to ask you a favour. Warning: It’s about boys.
Because, you see, I will be born a girl. Which means that by the time I am 14, the boys in my class will have called me a whore, a bitch, a cunt and many other things. It’s just for fun of course, something boys do - so you won’t worry – And I understand that. Perhaps you did the same when you were young. Trying to impress some of the other guys? I’m sure you didn’t mean anything by it!
Still: Some people won’t get the joke. And funnily enough, it isn’t any of the girls. It is some of the boys. So by the time I turn 16 a couple of the boys will have snuck their hand down my panties whilst I am so drunk I can’t even stand straight, and although I say no they just laugh, it is funny, right? If you saw me, Daddy, you would be so ashamed, because I’m wasted (something everyone knows proper girls don’t get). No wonder I’m raped when I’m 21.
21 and on my way home in a taxi driven by the son of a guy you went swimming with every Wednesday; the guy who always told insulting jokes, but they were – of course – only jokes, so you laughed.
Had you known that his son would end up raping me, you would have told him to get a grip. But how could you know? He was just a boy telling weird jokes, and in any case it wasn’t your business, you were just being nice.
But his son, raised on these ‘jokes’, becomes my business.
Then, finally!, I meet Mr. Perfect, and you’re so happy for me Daddy, because he really adores me! And he is smart with a great job and all through the winter he goes cross-country skiing three times a week, just like you.
But one day he stops being Mr. Perfect, and I don’t know why. Wait: am I overreacting? One thing I do know: I’m not the victim type. I am raised to be a strong and independent woman. But one night its just all too much for him, with work and the in-laws and the wedding coming he calls me a whore, just like you called a girl in middle school a whore once. Then another day, he hits me.
I mean I am way out of line: I can really be a bitch sometimes. But we ?re still the worlds greatest couple and I’m so confused, because I love him and I hate him and I ?m not sure if I really did do something wrong, and then one day he almost kills me: It all goes black, even though I have a Ph.D, a fantastic job, I’m loved by friends & family, I am well-brought-up...
...and nobody saw this coming.
Dear Daddy. This is the favour I want to ask: One thing always leads to another, so please stop it before it gets a chance to begin. Don’t let my brothers call girls whores, because they are not, and one day some little boy might think it’s true.
Don’t accept insulting jokes from weird guys by the pool – or even friends, because behind every joke there is always some truth.
Dear Daddy,
I know you will protect me from lions, tigers, guns, cars and even sushi without even thinking about (the danger to) your own life.
But dear Daddy:
I will be born a girl. Please do everything you can, so that THAT won’t stay the greatest danger of all.
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