Glass: The Lion For Change > Glass: The Lion for Change



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Smileat was born as a small Spanish startup in 2017.

It rapidly grew up thanks to their original category:

it was one of the firsts organic baby food brand.

However, the big brands saw an opportunity here,

so they started launching their own organic baby food products.

That’s why, Smileat needed to create a relevant campaign

that make everybody talk about it.

The brief was to turn a small baby food brand

into one that everybody knows against the big ones.

So, we looked up for those issues that really matter to our target like the gender gap at work after having a child.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate and the significance of the work within this context

Spain has the second lowest birthrate in European Union.

This is an important fact for a baby food brand.

So instead of making a typical baby food spot, we decided to go further.

We teamed up with a journalist team to research about it.

This way, we could contribute with our society bringing some light to this issue.

That’s how we created, La Candidata, a documentary about how having a child

influences a woman's career differently than a man's.

And how this is detrimental to everyone as a society.

Describe the creative idea

La Candidata is a documentary creared to spread the voice about a taboo topic.

It is a deep research with real and objective data to demonstrate that this is not an invented problem, but a social reality. For getting that, we used hidden microphone for different real job interviews to prove that in Spanish society this is something more common than what people think. Throught this proyect Smileat is trying to take care of our kids by improving their future.

Describe the strategy

We found that Spain has the second lowest birthrate in the European Union.

And this was a terrible new for a baby food brand.

So we started asking us why. Then we also found a graphic data which pointed that this birthdate decrease started in 1975. Unfortunately, behind this new there was already a gender gap that started in the seventies, when women entered into the laboral market.

Since then women have had to choose between their career and their motherhood.

This situation still happens today. In fact, most of our target, mothers of babies had an insight in common: most of them said they had been asked in job interviews if they had kids or if they were planning to have them. Now the problem here was to demostrate that this was actually happening. And that’s how we decided to do a documentary to proof it.

Describe the execution

To bring this idea to life, first, we made a deep research.

Once we had all data, we recorded our documentary.

For that, we counted with a journalist that made job interviews for different industries using hidden microphone to prove the facts.

Also, we interviewed testimonial, professionals and even

complemented our results with questionaries about this issue.

All this was nicely told by an awarded female director who rapidly connected with

the honesty and sensitivity that the subject deserved.

So, we executed a 15 minutes documental video and a trailer.

We spread the word on social media and also, we place all this at the Smileat’s website as, where anybody in a similar situation, could also ask for advise contacting directly to a labor lawyer team.

Describe the results / impact

Once the work was launched the results were not delayed.

The online sales increased more than a 55%.

The campaign got more than 18 millions of PR impressions and

1.7 millions on earned media. It also appeared on the most known Spanish media

and many users expressed their support through social media.

All this without forget that several universities reached us out asking for using our documentary as part of their subjects.

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