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Why is this work relevant for Gaming Entertainment?

We believe that this work is relevant for Gaming Entertainment because in the niche genre of trading card games, which was thought to attract only core users, we were able to attract a large number of users and turn it into a national product while taking advantage of the unique characteristics of the base content. We succeed in expanding the community and acquire fans by utilizing the characteristics of the content, "pirates" and "treasure hunt," and having people enjoy the cards through a treasure hunt-like experience.


ONE PIECE is the most popular manga content in Japan. However, the newly launched ONE PIECE CARD GAME were thought to be difficult due to the nature of the trading card game, and only a few people familiar with card games were able to get their hands on it. To overcome this problem, we aimed to expand the community and acquire fans by utilizing the characteristics of the content, "pirates" and "treasure hunt," and having people enjoy the cards through a treasure hunt-like experience.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work e.g. local legislation, cultural norms, a national holiday or religious festival that may have a particular meaning.

In Japan, trading card games were considered a niche game. ONE PIECE CARD GAME was thought to be the same way when it was first launched and struggled to attract users.Yet the base content, One Piece, is the most popular manga content in Japan, and is enjoyed in a variety of ways: manga, anime, live-action, with the theme of a "treasure hunt". Therefore, it had great potential to attract a large number of fans depending on the marketing strategy.

Describe the strategy & insight


All 155 types of new ONE PIECE CARDS were unveiled simultaneously for the first time in the streets of Shibuya. And we called for everyone to work together to complete the card list, through a treasure hunt-like experience, searching the streets and posting the found cards on SNS.

Describe the creative idea

We featured the ”CARD LIST," which is released when a product is newly released and consolidates all the information on the cards. The card list attracts interest from core fans who want to know, "What cards will be included?” We combined the ”CARD LIST" with the "ONE PIECE like-treasure hunt" , to create a new adventure experience.

Describe the craft & execution

All 155 types of new ONE PIECE CARDS were unveiled simultaneously for the first time in the streets of Shibuya. And we called for everyone to work together to complete the card list by searching the streets and posting the found cards on SNS. For those who have posted on SNS and contributed to the making of the card list, A special card was given away that every ONE PIECE fan would love. numerous posters of a ONE PIECE CARDs flooded SNS, drawing more and more people who knew about One Piece into the campaign.

Describe the results

Over 20000 SNS posting

Over 70000 poster image shared on SNS

With the cooperation of 20,000 people, We succeeded in building a ONE PIECE Card list of all 155 card.

Then, ONE PIECE CARD GAME became the 2nd largest trading card market in Japan within a year of its launch.

Not only to the core fans, but also to many people who know ONE PIECE, ONE PIECE CARD GAME has expanded the card game community.

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