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Approximately 36% of all plastics produced are used in packaging, approximately 85% of which ends up in landfills or as unregulated waste*. Unilever wanted to take responsibility for its business’ impact on the environment. Hence, the brand has pledged to remove more than 100,000 tonnes of plastic entirely, by 2025.

Unilever products reach 9 in 10 Indian households. With a population that is roughly equalled to the sum of 12 of the largest countries, India has one of the world’s largest plastic footprints*.

The future will only be about plastic alternatives. It was more important than ever, for Unilever to future-proof its business by introducing a sustainable packaging solution. We needed to re-examine the fundamentals of its business and creatively redefine how it operates in the Indian market.

The objective was to drive commerce through mass adoption of a sustainable packaging solution.


Describe the creative idea

We sacrificed Unilever’s most valuable branding asset – its packaging.

We introduced Smart Fill, a sustainable in-store commerce experience that lets shoppers use other brands’ plastic waste as Unilever packaging. Shoppers can Smart Fill any empty container as packaging for products like Vim, Surf Excel, and Comfort.

The creative solution harnessed two cultural nuances that stem from the resourcefulness mindset of Indian shoppers.

1.Culture of thrift. Unlike the West, trade-offs are expected with every action. People carry their bags to a supermarket to avoid carry bag charges. It isn’t that they cannot afford a 7¢ carry bag on a bill of $70, but they dislike wastefulness.

2.Cultural practice of repurposing used packaging like cookie tins as sewing kits, soda bottles as spray bottles.

Our strategy was to make the most of this resourcefulness and sense of thrift to seamlessly fit into the existing shopper journey, without sacrificing time and effort.

Describe the strategy

Awareness about plastic pollution is at an all-time high due to various recycling drives, clean-ups, waste segregation, and the push to adopt sustainable alternatives. But only 9% of plastic waste gets recycled and viable alternatives are few and far apart.

Our strategy needed to turn ‘awareness but inaction’ into ‘actions that propel awareness’.

Convincing consumers to adapt to a new sustainable alternative is a challenge. We explored consumers’ stance towards plastic-free alternatives and identified five cohorts.

1. Eco Warriors: Already leading sustainable lifestyles (5%)

2. Convenience Seekers: Awaiting effective alternatives (10%)

3. Value Seekers: Need value exchange to switch (20%)

4. Value Chasers: Prioritize value over sustainability (30%)

5. Unawares: Completely unaware (35%)

It wasn’t the Eco Warriors and Convenience Seekers we needed to convince, it was the Value Seekers, and Value Chasers.

Our approach balanced value and sustainability drivers to inspire behavioural change that leads to conversions.

Describe the execution

When: During the existing shopper journey.

Where: Adjacent to home care product aisles in the store.

Shoppers are redirected from these aisles to the Smart Fill station.


- Bring any empty bottle to the store e.g. soda/other brands/Unilever

- Place the bottle under the dispenser

- Select the desired product and quantity

- Paste the barcode on the refilled bottle

- Pay for it at the checkout counter

Why: It appeals to the consumers’ sense of resourcefulness and is extremely easy to operate. They save not only on packaging costs, but by purchasing smaller amounts. It also leads to increased product trials.

20% discount makes Smart Filling more cost-effective than packaged products.

Leveraging an existing practice makes it easier to get shoppers to carry their own bottles.

Each station costs $2,597, making it highly cost-efficient and scalable. Hence, we aim to introduce 10 new Smart Fill stations every month.

List the results

Smart Fill is an incentivised behaviour change model that has opened new commerce channels for Unilever. Owing to the strong cultural nuance, the model is bound to only work in countries like India. But given the country’s population, it’s as effective as implementing the model in 12 of the world’s largest countries.

We have implemented a circular economy approach – where resources are kept in use in a closed-loop system, rather than thrown away. This helped Unilever to cut its dependence on virgin plastic and reuse old plastic.

We optimised the supply chain by eliminating the processes of manufacturing new plastic packaging and labels.

- Reached ~349 MM consumers.

- 150 Litres are Smart Filled every hour.

- 85% repeat purchases.

- We earned PR worth USD1.5 MM.

- 57.2 Kg plastic reduction per day.

- Its simplicity and scalability will help reduce India’s plastic pollution by 50%, before 2025.

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