PR > Digital & Social


TRIAD ADVERTISING, Bratislava / O2 / 2018

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We brought the 17. November from 1989 to our modern times. We united Slovakia and Czechia O2 brands, because we were one country in 1989, fighting for freedom together.

Then we took away the internet and mobile benefits of freedom, that are taken for granted today by blocking foreign web pages, geotargeted SMS alerting, and simulating social media content that would be produced in 1989 if we had the tools back then. Everything well constructed in the only day it made the most sense - The national day of freedom and democracy, creating a strong and eyeopening experience.


Symbolically, we build up the Iron Curtain once again at places, where freedom is considered granted – the Internet. As a mayor provider of the Internet connection we redirected all visits to foreign websites to a microsite symbolising the Iron Curtain in both countries.

We sent out SMS messages to those physically crossing country borders during this day, thus catching them “red-handed”. Also geolocated SMS messages to those people spending time around places important for the Velvet revolution.

On Facebook and Instagram, we broadcasted a LIVE stream from the 17. November '89 as the revolution would happen right now.

We hooked up with popular influencers and TOP journalists utilizing the live streaming, instastories and sharing of our strong web message. We also prepared a media event and press kit to strengthen our messages. All activities led to internal O2 web magazines, where people could read more about 17th November.


We were able to reach every 3rd person in slovakia and Czech republic with our message and to lift the O2 brand perception as a social responsible company by 37%.


Thanks to unique utilizing of O2-owned channels and with a small budget, we managed to directly impact almost 500 thousand people with web and SMS messages and another 5,5 million people over social medial, influencer channels and newswires in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. And all this in just one day of historic importance.


• 6 milion people reached - 82% ORGANIC

• 300 thousand people saw the web landingpage message

• 140 thousand SMS sent to clients

• 2 million addressed by social media reach

• Over 20 articles in media including national dailies, nationwide TVs and radio (total reach – 3,7 million)

• Several high-impact journalists sharing the campaign on social media and praising it positively


Using powerful PR tools, we showed to 6 million Czechs and Slovaks that freedom is a value that we all including O2 need to fight for every day. Utilizing O2-owned channels in an unprecedented way we managed to directly impact almost 500 thousand people with web and SMS messages and another 5,5 million people over social medial, influencer channels, newswires and a media event in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. And all this in just one day of historic importance.


Our brand is well known for fighting against unfairness and for more freedom in the mobile provider business segment and in the society as well. Our customers are mainly young people born after the revolution and they are heavy users of smartphones a mobile data users. Therefore it was a perfect brand fit for us to remind people about the value of freedom on the 17. November.

We effectively utilized owned media and channels in both countries to deliver the message, that freedom is not granted. To deliver the message to the millenials, we also cooperated with influencers (social media stars, celebrities and top journalists), and realised cut through executions on Instagram and Facebook.

We also targeted Czech and Slovak media outlets to gain secondary impact and bring attention to the fact that O2 cares about our freedom.

17. November became our big brand communication opportunity for the second year.


O2 Czech Republic and O2 Slovakia both position themselves as local companies caring about fairness and freedom in both countries and helping to move the society forward thanks to providing state-of-the-art technological solutions and standing for social causes.

Thanks to this positioning, fairness developed as an brand attribute that customers demand from any operator on the market thus representing real value.

The 17. November is the national day of freedom and democracy in Slovakia. The day when the Velvet Revolution started, that led to the fall of communist regime and the fall of iron curtain. Sadly today more than 60% of Czechs and Slovaks do not even know why there is a notional holiday on this day. Especially young adults that are our primary target group and customers.

Thats why O2 connected to this special day wanted to remind people about his importance.

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