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Why is this work relevant for Direct?

Our strategic choice: to use evolutionary theory, surprise and dirty talk to make littering attractive, how weird it even may sound. And to deliver on this strategy, we needed a polarizing idea that could make a noise with a very limited budget. We believed that Dirty Talking Trash Cans would be exactly that. Bins that would be fun both to use and to talk about. In the streets and something to share on social media. And if throwing trash could become naughty, we could achieve behavioral change long term.



Despite plenty of bins, litter is still thrown on the ground, which contributes to an increased sense of insecurity. This has been an increasing problem in the city of Malmö. It affects the experience of the place, gives the city a neglected and unkempt appearance with negative environmental outcome. Also, cleaning up costs taxpayers millions annually. Still, everyone knows that they shouldn’t throw litter on the ground, but do it anyway.

We found that littering is highly irrational, and it doesn't help to have authorities pointing their fingers and threatening fines.


The brief was to find incentives to break the littering habit.


Create behavioural change that increases the possibility of a cleaner city for all by reaching the target group who don't care about their littering. The campaign needed to take place in the public space, attract attention and become a 'talking point' with a modest budget.

Describe the creative idea

As the main villains are young, and mostly boys, we realized the uncool filth of the trash cans actually could become part of their most favored interest, filthy fantasies. So, with that ancient inner drive, which seems to peak at that age, we turned some of the most modern trash cans in Malmö into dirty talking dittos.

Re-programed trash cans using exotic actors’ voices with naughty messages. Throwing a gum away suddenly felt like doing something forbidden and EXCITING! Both to do and to share. Please talk dirty to me.

Describe the strategy

We conducted a number of focus groups to find the common factor for littering. We found that, to break the habit (among young men in particular), the target group had very little incentive to change their behaviour. 25% among them still would litter if no one was looking.

To activate, we looked at those who litters the most, their attitude, values and their attitude towards littering. And, a major challenge, where do we best reach them?

Strategically we wanted to make littering attractive, how weird it even may sound. And to deliver on this strategy, we needed a polarizing idea that could make a noise with a very limited budget. We believed that Dirty Talking Trash Cans in the streets and something to share on social media would be exactly that. If throwing trash could become naughty, we could achieve behavioral change long term.

CTA: Various

Describe the execution

Our solution was based on the mental intersection of sex and littering. We used existing selected smart trash cans with a digital sound source and we re-programmed them. Using sensual and sensual voices, moans and shameless invitations, the bins were opened 358% more during the campaign period, and even after the campaign period (38 days after) they were opened 330% more than before the campaign.The entire content of the campaign was designed to be shared and interacted with. Our target audience became our biggest social media influencers, not least TikTok.

We also produced an audio novell about dirty talking littering and the average listener heard the entire story, taking in a full five minutes and 44 seconds of popular education disguised as erotica - with an anti-climax due to littering.

The campaign went for four weeks.

List the results

To create real impact that leads to discussion and then leads to behavioural change, we needed an idea that polarizes. We achieved desired behavioral change both immediately on the ground and over time with our campaign, as it spread to our target audience's preferred channels.

Change in behaviour

+398% increase in the use of bins during the campaign.

+330% increase in use 38 days after the campaign.


+563 million in organic reach on social media.

+130,000 people talked about the dirtiest thing there is: littering.

+140 international media outlets highlighted the campaign, including Trevor Noah and John Oliver, both world-famous talk show hosts covered the news on their broadcasts.

Target audience

+44% of men aged 13-24 engaged on TikTok and YouTube.

Please tell us about the social behaviour that inspired the work

Studies showed that young men wouldn't litter if someone they thought was "good-looking" was watching, and making littering socially unacceptable was the key to success. That became our strategic choice, psychology and evolution biology combined with creative and entertaining way to adress and reach the target group.

We can create sufficient awareness of littering -> IF <- we can make people feel that others think you are unattractive when you litter and attractive when you don't. And thus reduce littering in the long run. And thus in the long run reduce littering in Malmö, i.e. fulfil the overall purpose.

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