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Why is this work relevant for PR?

To create a buzz, you need friction. You need an idea that divides society. In Malmö, there's always been a political divide and every decision the city takes is fiercely criticized by the opposition. Knowing this, we saw an opportunity to create a discussion that would spread fast, both among lovers and haters of progressive methods. And so it did. From the nature of the execution to how we planted the discussion which spread across the world, picked up by entertainment online. This made the impact in the city even greater as these are the voices our target listen to.



Despite plenty of bins, litter is still thrown on the ground, which contributes to an increased sense of insecurity. This has been an increasing problem in the city of Malmö. It affects the experience of the place, gives the city a neglected and unkempt appearance with negative environmental outcome. Also, cleaning up costs taxpayers millions annually. Still, everyone knows that they shouldn’t throw litter on the ground, but do it anyway.

We found that littering is highly irrational, and it doesn't help to have authorities pointing their fingers and threatening fines.


Create an idea with incentives to break the littering habit.


Create behavioural change that increases the possibility of a cleaner city for all by reaching the target group who don't care about their littering.

Describe the creative idea

Insights to an idea that polarizes.

1. Young men stand out as the biggest litter-offenders.

3. An already dirty place makes people litter even more.

4. Social norms are the most influential factor.

5. Campaign messages about 'not littering' hadn't generated interest in the target group. Rather the opposite.

As the main villains are mostly young boys, we realized the uncool filth of the trash cans actually could become part of their most favored interest, filthy fantasies, and re-programed the most modern trash cans using exotic actors’ voices with naughty messages. Using a bin felt like doing something forbidden and EXCITING! Both to do and to share. We also knew this would upset and create a discussion which we helped spread in social channels. With the debate catching on, we managed to get picked up by entertainment personalities closing the circle on our target audience.

Describe the PR strategy

Insights/consumer demographic

To break the littering habit for young men in particular, they target group had very little incentive to change their behaviour. 25% of them would litter if no one was looking. It is also extremely difficult to create attention in the channels and media available in the city.

Key message

We can create sufficient awareness of littering -> IF <- we can make people feel that others think you are unattractive when you litter and attractive when you don't. And thus reduce littering in the long run. And thus in the long run reduce littering in Malmö, i.e. fulfil the overall purpose.

To activate, we looked at the people, who litters the most, their attitudes and values and their attitude towards littering. That became our PR strategy of choice; use psychology and evolution biology combined with an entertaining way to execute the campaign to reach the target group.

Describe the PR execution

In Malmö, there's always been a political divide and every decision the city takes is fiercely criticized by the opposition. Knowing this, we deliberately implemented an idea that divides society. We activated the decision of the City of Malmö's new campaign "about the trash cans talking dirty", in different digital platforms in both sides of the political spectrum. That was the first spark to a discussion that would spread fast, both among lovers and haters of progressive methods. And so it did.

The entire content of the campaign was designed to be shared and interacted with. Our target audience became our biggest social media influencers, not least TikTok.

This simple function can be implemented in specific locations to have a direct impact on the local environment. And in turn, spread to larger contexts. The campaign went for four weeks locally but is spreading to other cities.

List the results

+140 international media outlets, among them: CNN, Fox, Young Turks, Last Week Tonight, Metro, The Times, Business Insider, BBC, Swedish state radio, NY Post, Swedish National Television (SVT), Nice Matin, Dailymotion, etc

+130,000 people talked about the dirtiest thing there is: littering.

(CrowdTangle, 2022).

Behavioral change with 398% increase in use of trash cans across Malmö (measured through the digital disposable bins)

330% increase one month after break of campaign.

And the discussion continues to this date.

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