Sustainable Development Goals > Peace




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We are living in a world that is increasingly divided. Some regions enjoy sustained levels of peace, security, and prosperity, while others fall into seemingly endless cycles of conflict and violence. We believe that this is by no means inevitable, and the Humanium Metal Initiative was specifically developed to make progress on SDG 16.

High levels of armed violence and insecurity have a destructive impact on a country’s development. This affects economic growth and often results in long-standing grievances that can last for generations.

The Humanium Metal initiative aims to significantly contribute to reducing armed violence by working with government institutions, the private sector, as well as affected communities to find lasting solutions to support armed violence prevention initiatives. Strengthening national and local initiatives to curb the proliferation of firearms is key to this process, as is reducing existing stockpiles of illicit arms and strengthening the outreach efforts about this problem on a global level.


SDG 16 is often referred to as the “peace goal” and is potentially the most difficult to address using concrete measures. Key to the development of the Humanium Metal Initiative is the fact that arms control is within the larger scope of the mission of SDGs, and specifically, the “number of illegal firearms seized by relevant authorities” is targeted.

For the Humanium Metal Initiative, cooperation with relevant public authorities on getting access to the metal from seized, destructed, illegal firearms, and do so together with civil society and progressive brands that believe peaceful cohabitation is possible.

Humanium Metal is a commodity for peace, enabling brands to reinvent their products for a better world. The instant emotional impact of holding something that used to be a destructive force that has been transformed into something useful and productive connects Humanium to the most powerful lobbying group of them all – the consumers.


In addition to Humanium Metal's first weapon destruction in 2016, a second weapon destruction was carried out in September 2017 in El Salvador.

The first one-ton batch of Humanium Metal from El Salvador arrived in Sweden in November 2017. Next in line are Guatemala and Colombia, and negotiations are also underway with additional Latin American countries.

Since November 2017, Humanium Metal has been available as steel powder, which is suitable for a variety of production methods. The steel powder is also 3D printing compatible. This enables manufacturers, artists, and designers to create prototypes and made-to-order-products. Leading Swedish brands have committed to partnerships for using Humanium Metal in their future production.

During the spring of 2018, IM initiated a partnership with 3D-Hubs, an online service for ordering custom 3D printed and CNC machined parts. Following this, a full international rollout is expected to continue.


The Humanium Metal Initiative has already increased the socio-economic and political security for people living in the initially targeted countries. It has contributed to SDG 16 by:

• Mobilizing resources to reinvest in social enterprises in countries afflicted by high levels of armed violence. Based on the sale of Humanium Metal and royalties, projected sales in Sweden alone amounts to $3,000,000 during 2018.

• Promoting financial sustainability and creating job opportunities for victims of armed violence with the funds raised and currently monitored by IM in the targeted countries.

• Changing attitudes in local and global communities by inspiring consumers, businesses, and authorities in our initial targeted countries; reaching 1 billion customers in more than 150 countries.


The Humanium Metal Initiative is a disruptive business model. The innovation is evident at every stage of our strategy. It is the first established supply chain of metal made from destructed illegal firearms that have a sustainable infrastructure, from communication to procurement, which meets the production and investment demands of commercial partners.

The Humanium Metal Initiative promotes weapon destruction programs in affected regions and generates financial support to victims of armed violence. It contributes to SDGs promoting human security in the following ways:

• Mobilizing resources to reinvest in social enterprises in countries afflicted by high levels of armed violence

• Promoting financial sustainability and creating job opportunities for victims of armed violence.

• Changing attitudes in local and global communities.

The Humanium Metal Initiative also inspires consumers, businesses and authorities to join hands to find a solution to one of the world's greatest problems.


The first target of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16, which is included in the 2030 Agenda, calls for significant reductions in “all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere". After decades of progress in reducing the global burden of violent conflict, the last four years have seen a global increase of armed conflict, violence against civilians, and other forms of violence.

Thus far, it has proven difficult to generate sufficient political commitment and raise the necessary resources for preventive action, develop policies and support affected communities. The Humanium Metal Initiative provides a tool for specifically addressing this global threat, on an individual, as well as societal level.

The Humanium Metal Initiative is a disruptive business model, which converts metal from weapons destruction programs into a valuable commodity. The inclusion of armed violence reduction in the SDGs should help to seal this commitment. The Humanium Metal Initiative will also contribute to engaging the private sector in allocating this resource while also strengthening outreach efforts about this problem on a global level.

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