Sustainable Development Goals > Prosperity




Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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How does armed violence impoverish individuals, groups, societies and states?

The impact of armed violence on poverty is statistically proven. Different circumstances of armed violence have different impacts on poverty and development. Some of the key findings conclude that armed violence has had almost entirely negative impacts in terms of displacement, damage to health, education and agriculture, and hinders socio-economic growth for large sections of communities and populations.

In terms of economic development, the gross domestic product in countries affected by armed violence is reduced in almost all of the countries studied.

It is hardly surprising that East Asia has performed relatively strongly in implementing the MDG´s (Millennium Development Goals 2000-2015, the predecessors of the SDG´s) given the very low levels of armed violence. Empirically, then, there is no doubt that in order to build societies where people have trust in the future, the international community needs to show that progress with regards to alleviating poverty and raising living standards is possible.

In retrospect, where the MDG´s were achieved, this helped exert significant downward pressure on armed violence. At the same time, reducing armed violence significantly increased the chances of positive movement on economic development.


The Humanium Metal Initiative is a disruptive business model, which converts metal from weapons destruction programs into a valuable commodity.

Humanium Metal is a commodity for peace, enabling brands to reinvent their products for a better world. The instant emotional impact of transforming something that used to be a destructive force into something useful and productive connects Humanium Metal to the most powerful lobbying group of all – the consumers.

The Humanium Metal Initiative is the world’s first established supply chain of metal made from destructed illegal firearms that has an established sustainable infrastructure which meets the production and investment demands of commercial partners. The initiative promotes weapon destruction programs in affected regions and generates financial support to victims of armed violence. The innovation is evident at every stage, from communication to procurement, to the supply chain and business model, and extends to the partnerships.


The first one-ton batch of Humanium Metal from El Salvador arrived in Sweden in the autumn of 2017. Next in line with for Humanium Metal is Guatemala and Colombia. Negotiations are also now underway in additional Latin American countries.

As of November 2017, Humanium Metal is available as steel powder, which is suitable for a variety of production methods. The steel powder is also 3D printing compatible. This enables manufacturers, artists, and designers to make prototypes and made-to-order-products. Leading Swedish brands have committed to partnerships for using Humanium their future production. A full international rollout is expected during the spring of 2018.

During 2018, IM initiated a partnership with 3D-Hubs, an online service for ordering custom 3D printed and CNC machined parts.


The Humanium Metal Initiative has already increased the socio-economic and political security for people living in the initial targeted countries. We contributed to this Sustainable Development Goal by:

• Mobilizing resources to reinvest in social enterprises in countries afflicted by high levels of armed violence. Based on the sale of Humanium metal and royalties, 2018 projected sales in Sweden alone amounts to $3,000,000.

• Promoting financial sustainability and creating job opportunities for victims of armed violence with the funds raised and currently monitored by IM in the targeted countries.

• Changing attitudes in local and global communities by inspiring consumers, businesses and authorities in our initial targeted countries; reaching 1 billion customers in more than 150 countries.

• Humanium Metal is available as steel powder (316L) meeting rigorous quality industry standards as well as being 3D printing compatible. Never before has the quality from metal from weapons destruction been certified.


The Humanium Metal Initiative is a disruptive business model. This is evident at every stage of our strategy, from communication to procurement, to the supply chain and business model, and extending to the partnerships.

The initiative promotes weapon destruction programs in affected regions and generates financial support for socio-economic development.

The initiative contributes to the SDG´s, promoting human security by:

• Mobilizing resources to reinvest in social enterprises in countries afflicted by high levels of violence.

• Promoting financial sustainability and creating job opportunities for victims of armed violence.

• Changing attitudes in local and global communities.

The Humanium Metal Initiative increases socio-economic and political security for people living in violence. It inspires consumers, businesses and authorities to join hands to find a solution to one of the world's greatest problems. The ILO core conventions are relevant tools to safeguard that the job creation component is duly dealt with.


The relationship between sustained socio-economic development and high levels of violence in societies has long been problematic. On the one hand, security and socio-economic development are intrinsically linked. Not only is armed violence perhaps the single greatest inhibitor to economic development—so much so that it is sometimes referred to as "development in reverse"—but sustained economic growth is closely associated with significantly higher chances of secure societies where trust is key.

While complex problems normally require complex solutions, this initiative offers a very convincing and easily understood business model: Converting metal from weapons destruction programs into a valuable commodity, thereby generating funds for vulnerable communities in countries affected by armed violence in order to showcase integral socio-economic development.

In this context, the Humanium Metal Initiative can create opportunities for social and institutional change by creating new opportunities to create jobs, raise standards of living and reduce the costs of violence to societies. In turn, this can expose people to views of entitlement, and furthermore, inspire them to join hands to find a solution to one of the world's greatest problems.

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