Cannes Lions

2 Kingdoms union

ABINBEV, Mexico City / ABINBEV / 2021

Presentation Image
Demo Film
Case Film
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2020 was very hard for the lovers, we saw canceled weddings, break ups, separated couples. But thanks to the love Corona and Burger King have for each other, we decided not to ignore a date as important as Valentine’s is.That’s why we asked ourselves: what we could do so everybody were part of the love joining our union?

How can we capitalize the union in a key date that has so much awareness as Valentine’s?

Our objectives were: reach, positive conversation, earned media and awareness.


The idea is simple and beautiful, after 2020 had taken almost all of our weddings, we couldn´t stand by just watching and we found the perfect excuse to join two brands together and do something special for those couples who had to cancel their wedding.

Corona the queen of the beer and Burger King the king of the grill, unite their kingdoms for the first time to marry couples this valentines day.

By royal decree we will unite couples for life, at home.

We launched a call, we selected the couples and we went out on valentines day to make their wedding come true.

To close this weddings at home, the banquet was a delicious wopper, accompanied by a very cold corona beer.

Now this campaign is going to be part of their lives until death do them part


Audience strategy consisted in 3 audiences to engage better with the interests between consumers and the campaign: Fast food lovers, beer consumers and generic audience (18+).

We had 3 stages for this campaign so people could have a real engagement journey:

Proposal: We communicated in digital platforms the opportunity of having a marriage on Valentine’s Day. We looked for the most touching stories of people who couldn’t have their marriage because reuniting people in difficult times was not possible. Couples needed to share their story in our website.

Valentine’s Day, Wedding Day!: After we selected best the stories, it was wedding day! We made live coverage posting on social media about how we were uniting people on real time.

Honeymoon: We collected the best moments of the weddings in a video that we posted on facebook, twitter and youtube, so everybody could know about how real love stories come true.


The execution sounds very simple on paper, we are going to marry couples at home, but the easy word is very far from what the idea really was.

First it was a problem to find a judge who wanted to marry couples at home on Sunday, yes, in case you didn't remember it, Valentine's Day fell on Sunday.

Then we needed to find a filming plan that would allow us to shoot the 3 couples that we were going to get married in a single day, not only that, we also had to find a burger king close to the homes of the married people, to be able to go through the woopers and that they arrived delicious for the banquet.

In the end the idea was a success, because beyond having a nice case for creative festivals, this idea was able to join couples together for life, for real.


A campaign that exceeded the KPIs

The idea generated 5,600 registered couples in 24 hours

Seen by all Mexico, with a reach of 12,076,800. We also went above the expected accomplishing 122% of the ad recall.

Also we reached a 70% of positive conversation, people loved this union and wanted to take active part on this love story.

But most of all, we turned love into something contagious spreading it into people, and shared by two of the favorite brands of all time.

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OBSERVATORY, Los angeles



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