Cannes Lions
MINDSHARE, Colombo / UNILEVER / 2015
The simple concept was devastatingly effective. An invitation was aired on Radio. The call to action was for Sri Lankans to place a Missed Call to the Laojee hotline. Callers were then sent a text message which allowed them to request a seat on their desired route home. A random lucky draw selected entrants, after which a confirmation SMS acted as their ticket. Winners found themselves served a hot cup of nicely brewed Laojee tea before their comfortable trip home. With the details broadcast on radio, the campaign created excitement and brand awareness.
More than 30,000 Missed Calls were made within 3 days; over 2,000 people travelled back to their New Year celebrations in the comfort of Laojee bus. Moreover, Laojee achieved significant increases in key imagery parameters:
"Make you feel good" +26%;
"Is a good brand to have when spending time with friends and family" +11%;
"Provide really great refreshment" +10%;
"Is an innovative/contemporary brand" +11%;
"Is a lively/dynamic brand +32%".
All this, while providing a service to the people and help the nation bond with their loved ones.
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