Cannes Lions
ELVIS, London / WKD / 2011
To underpin a successful series of TV spots about blokes playing slightly ‘wicked’ practical jokes, we took this sense of humour into bars and we created a uniquely branded 'Win Nothing’ in-bar promotion.By identifying then leveraging WKD's existing Facebook fanbase, we were able to tap into an actively engaged audience and drive them directly into targeted bars where the promotion was running.
The campaign was based on the idea of a fictional character from WKD's marketing department called Wayne, who one day decided to steal that year’s big promotional prize fund and go on the run.
The online videos generated over 18,300 new WKD Facebook fans, and boosted their Likes to 130,000 over the campaign period.
Average in-bar sales of WKD increased to 425%, with some participating outlets reporting a 1000% increase during the Win Nothing promotion against the control week. Win Nothing not only reflects the tongue-in-cheek values of WKD, it pokes fun at promotions in general by turning the usual conventions of the category on their head. Only a brand like WKD could run this kind of activity.
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